Only if You Show Me What You Bought

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*Claire's POV*

"Alright well I will text you guys when we are done" Harry says kissing my forehead before standing up

"Okay good luck" I smile squeezing his hand before letting go

"Keep her safe men" he says patting Niall on the back

"I will man" Niall says over his shoulder before turning back to me "Okay princess where you wanna go?"

"I don't know let's just walk around"

"Okay" he says as we get up

We walk around for awhile stopping in stores that we want randomly. We come up to Victoria Secret
"Wait here I'll be out in a minuet" I say smirking

"Your going to leave me out here alone while you go buy something for one of my friends..."

"Yes I am" I kiss his cheek before walking into the store knowing my size I didn't need to try any thing on I check out rather quickly

"What did you get?" Niall asks as I walk out

"A couple of outfits" I smirk

"Haz is a lucky arse" he chuckles as we start walking again

"Is he?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean is he so lucky to be forced into a marriage..."

"Hey don't say that trust me he is luck to have you. He couldn't have done any better on his own"

"Thanks Ni"

"You know it"

We walk further down the mall street before we get a text from Harry saying its safe for us to be with them good thing to I have a feeling Niall is getting tired of carrying the bags that he insisted on carrying all of them. We meet the others back at Harry's car

"What all did you buy Ni? " Louis ask laughing

"Half of it is Claire's"

"Well in the that case" Harry says popping the trunk I take my bags from Niall "Is that a VS bag?" He whispers

"Maybe" I smirk

"Well thank all of you but we must be going we are awaiting a call for dinner with the family"

"Call us if you need back up" they all say hugging me

"I will, thanks you guys"

They walk away as Harry and I get in the car

"Do I get to see what is in the VS bag?" He asks leaning over kissing my neck

"Only if I get to see whet you bought"

He stops kissing "your no fun" he flops back into his seat

"Hey an attitude like that and you will never see what's in it"

"Fine I guess I will just have to pop the question at dinner" he says putting the car in gear and driving off

*back at the flat*

"Harry can you get the door?" I say my hands full of the bags "Harry!"

He finally looks up from his phone "what did you say" he asks unlocking the door and walking in
"Never mind. Who are you texting?"

"My mum, she says that dinner will have to be pushed to tomorrow night they can't do dinner tonight" he says rapping his arms around my waist "so you can breath a little easier"

"I wish I didn't feel this way"

"I know baby" he says resting his head on my shoulder

"Do you think our families will go back to some what normalcy?"

"I think they will once we are engaged and even more once we are married"

"But what if it doesn't"

"Then we start to take steps in what ever direction is necessary for the benefit of us"

"Us what about your family?"

"Once we are married you are becoming my family weather this is a marriage of choice or not. And if some one even my mum tries to do anything against the benefit of my family then I will make changes" he says kissing my head "I'm tired and don't want to talk about this any more right now, I'm going to take a nap would you like to join me?"

"No, you go take a nap I'm going to fix us dinner for when you wake up"

"Alright see you then" he kisses me before walking to our bed room

I walk into the kitchen to see what I'm going to make when Louis walks in

"Hey I'm going to my mums for the night we are doing my birthday early at her house"

"Perfect so it's just Harry and I to night"

"Yeah, you going to show him what is in that pink bag of yours?"


Louis laughs before going to his room he returns with his bag in hand he comes back to thekitchen to say good bye before leaving

*later that evening* *Harry's POV*

I wake up to the house smelling good I get up opening the door to see the table set but no Claire so I walk into the kitchen to find her

"Is that my shirt?" I ask smirking


"Well I'm going to have to take it back" I say stepping closer

"Oh yeah?" She says turning around to me seeing she only has Black lace lingerie set
"Wow! You look amazing " I say speechless

"Do I?" She says smirking

I lift her up onto the counter moving in between her legs kissing her passionately running my hands over her back feeling her warm soft skin pulling her against me before she turns her head

"I made dinner" she says pulling away pointing at the stove

"It looks fantastic" I kiss her neck

"And taste better too"

"Why don't we work up an apatite first"


"Louis could be back any minuet"

"Actually Louis is spending the night with his family for his birthday celebration with his family" she says knowingly "since we have all night let's eat now "

"I'll make you feel amazing" I say pulling her into me pulling her on to my hip

"Are you holding me like a child?"

"You are my babe and I will protect you, care for you, and stand up for you." I say making her giggle

"So you think of me as a child?"

"What you are wearing you are the farthest thing from a child is the last thing that comes to mind" I say filling a plate with food grabbing two forks and walking to the table laying the plate and forks down pulling the chair out. I move her from my side and into my lap as I sit

"You see me as what then?"

"I think of you as..." I pause for a moment to think what I would say next "As some one that I am growing feelings for, some one I can see spending more time with, some one that I enjoy very much" I say placing my hands on the sides of her face resting my head against hers seeing her smile

"There is a reason you are a great song writer"she says pecking her lips to mine

"Only when I have some one to write about" I say kissing her "Now let's eat this amazing dinner" I say smiling at her. She picks up a fork picking up the food on the plate

"Open wide" she says softly smiling as I open my mouth closing it around the fork

"She sings, dance, and now cooks" I smile "your amazing" I kiss her once more not being able to keep my hands from her in anticipation for what will be happening later

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