With All Due Respect...

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*Harry POV
A week later*

I'm sat on the couch with Louis talking

"Thanks for getting your mom and sister to be the distraction today"

"Not a problem it's probably easier then just trying to get her dress shopping with out an explanation...so you ready?"

"Yeah I have it all planned out. She thinks your party is tonight so that will help since your mom and sister are taking her to get ready only she doesn't know it's for her engagement party not your birthday party"

"Must be nice to have a girl that can't say no" Louis says jokingly

"Not one bit I mean I could do it and just hand her the ring since I already know the answer but I want her to be able to tell people we don't now the story"

"Your a good man Styles"


"So what are they all doing?"

"They were going dress shopping then they were getting their nails done then they are getting their hair and makeup done"

"And then I'm taking her to the spot"

"Yeah she will know what's going on if I take her plus I want everything to be perfect..."

I'm interrupted by the door bell I get up to see who it is

As I open the door Claire's Mum meets me with a smile I open the door more to let her in

"Hi Harry, I hope I'm not intruding" she says softly

"Haz who is it" Lou says from the living room

"That's not my little girl's voice" she says softly

"No it is not" I say as we walk back into the living room "Louis this is Claire's mum Evelin, Evelin this is Louis he is my room mate"

"Though Claire lived with you"

"She does, I normally try to stay out of their way" Louis says shaking her hand

"Her and Lou became fast friends so I didn't push us getting our own place yet"

"Where is she?" She asks

"She is out with my mum and sister shopping" Louis says not mentioning for what

"Oh..." She looks disappointed for the first time ever

"Is there something wrong?"

"Yes..." She says sitting "Harry have you and Claire been busy since we got here"

"No, not really"

"That's what I thought..." I see something I have yet to see from Claire's mum yet...a tear

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I believe I have messed things up with my daughter and I don't believe that there is a chance of fixing it..." She says I look at Louis shocked from her revelation

"What to you mean?"

"I know she is happy with you for now but I believe she hates me for setting you two up"

"With all due respect ma'am I wouldn't say having her move here and telling us we are getting married the first day is setting is up" I say trying to be as respectful as possible

"Your probably right" she confesses "You both know her more then anyone now do you think I can get my little girl back?" She ask looking at me and Louis

I look at Louis for help not knowing how to respond with out yell about how much pain she has caused my girl

"Ma'am I'm not going to lie and tell you it's going to be easy. Seeing as we have held your daughter as she cried because of this situation and mostly because she feels like she has lost her family over it. Hell you didn't want her to come to Thanksgiving with out Harry. I'm not saying it's impossible but you have a lot of tiny pieces of her heart to put back together" Louis slightly rants standing up being her protecter "if you really want her back don't push her away by pushing her into to stuff ask her what she wants"

"Your right, thank you" she says softly pondering what Louis said she wipes her tears away smiling

"Tell you what Claire is out actually shopping and getting ready for what she thinks is Louis birthday party but is actually our engagement party"

"Your doing it to night?"

"Yes and it's a surprise and I would like you to come and I know Claire does too even if she doesn't show it so how about you start then?"

"Thank you Harry" she says before standing and pulling me into a hug before we hear laughter before the door opens

"Mom?" Claire says as they all come into the room she looks amazing with every thing done up I can't wait to see when she has her dress and everything thing else on

"Hi sweet heart" her mum says

"What are you doing here?" Claire asked shocked

"I just came to see if you wanted to do lunch sometime" she says

"Um...yeah that sounds nice" Claire's smile comes back a little

"Great well tell me when you want to meet" she says hugging Claire "you look beautiful by the way"

"Thanks mom" Claire says smiling

"I will see you later... lovely to meet you Louis" she says as she walks out the still open door

"What just happened what did you talk about?" She asks kissing me

"I'll tell you later but I need to go, my mom texted and said something is up so I won't be able to make it to the party, sorry Louis"

"Oh okay, bye" she says before I kiss her once more and leave for Liam's

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