2 months

222 2 1

Dear Evan Hansen,
Today was a good day and here's why, Jared Klienmen is talking to me again. Ever since we had that terrible argument involving Connor Murphys Suicide, he's been acting like I'm a ghost. I'm sorry, but I've actually started a new series of Letters called 'Dear Jared Klienmen', I have sent him a letter a day for 2 months each explaining one reason why I love and miss him. However, I do regret letter 7 where I wrote him that Limerick haha, that was traumatic for everyone involved. After two months of stony silence, he video chatted me at 4'o clock this afternoon. We both cried for at least an hour,possibly more.
He admitted to me that him and Connor used to be buddies throughout middle school and their relationship collapsed because of me. You see when you are around 12/13 most children experience their 'gay epiphany' as I like to call it. Like many LGBTPQ+ kids, Jared and Connor had their Epiphany around this time... I was the cause.
They told each other of their crush and their friendship was never the same. By the way I don't care about the Gay thing I had the epiphany that I was bi around that age.
Jared also admitted that he gained a job in 'Lush' for about 6 weeks and he shop lifted their products. Specifically the bathbombs. He stole bathbombs before, he started working in lush to gain easy access. I giggled at first when he confessed he ate the bathbombs. When he told me the reason though, I sobbed like a baby. For months, even before we separated Jared had been battling with an eating disorder. Instead of using their fingers to throw up, he used bathbombs.
Yeah reason he had acted so cool and full of swagger was that he actually had a lot of insecurities about his weight. He hid behind sarcastic comments and teasing, to battle the intrusive thoughts. Everything he's been though though ha piled up and he needed an outlet.
Things are looking up though for me and Jared klienmen as with his permission, my mother has arranged a session with my therapist.
It is way past midnight and I need sleep.
From your trusted and most dearest friend.
Sincerely me.

Compiled from headcannons from Tumblr and my own xx

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