5 Years

100 1 1

Dear Evan Hansen,
I don't know why I am writing this letter. I'm graduating college today, Holy SHIT! I think Connor would be so proud of me. My experience with him has taught me that sometimes people can fuck up and sometimes you can feel alone and that there is someone to catch you, but that's okay because everyone feels like that at some point. I am currently graduating with a degree in Linguistics and English literature. I think I've had enough of trees for a lifetime. I've started a blog which is kind of cool. Maybe one day I will write a book. In that book I will write about two broken boys named Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy and how their life's intermingled as a result of a 'creepy sex letter to yourself.'
Speaking of the Insanely Cool Jared Klienmen. I am going to propose to him after 2 years of dating. My mom cried when I told her, she possibly loves Jared more than me haha, when I started hanging out with Jared and stopped lying to her, I thought she was having a heart attack, she was so excited. Since last I wrote, Heidi Hansen has qualified as a paralegal and is actually home to cook me supper. YAY!
This is possibly not the greatest idea but I am going to propose to him in the apple Orchard, the one Zoe and Connor often went to when they were little.
It was her idea actually, she believes that the best way to start my future is to have some bittersweet closure to my past.
Jared and Zoe are also graduating, my Jared is a tech nerd and just actually accepted an internship in google. I am so happy for him.
By beautiful friend Zoe Murphy has turned away from music and has got a degree in Child Development. She is planning to do training to become a midwife. She wants to give children the best start in life, unlike her big brother.
I believe Connor is looking down on us and is finally at peace. It doesn't matter If the whole world has forgotten his memory. I and the others that truly love him will never forget him.
My life has come so far since writing these letters. I've experienced death, family, love and hope.
I'm so glad the people I care about most in the world and forgiven me.
I don't know what going to happen in the future. Let's go find out!
For potentially the last time.
From your most trusted and dearest friend.
Sincerely me.

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