5 years 4 months

48 1 2

Dear Evan Hansen,
You were not going to see the last of me. ITS MY WEDDING DAY! Jared said yes! I cannot believe I am actually alive to see this moment. I am married to my best friend and my soulmate. It was so impromptu. Four months ago the man of my dreams said yes to making the most sacred promise a person could make to another, my heart is so full of love ❤️.

Due to my crippling anxiety and my history of failed relationships I was quite stressed about the whole experience. How can I choose the colour scheme and the bridesmaids and the church when I still make Jared call the pizza place to order dinner.

At 4 am this morning, I was sitting on the balcony of Our apartment when Jared came out (not like that you freaks) this is the conversation we had.
"Hey." Jared whispered wrapping a blanket around me and him.
"Hi." I mumbled relishing the warmth of him and the blanket.
"Is there anything on your mind? Are you having bad dreams again about Connor?"
I shake my head slightly, feeling embarrassed by the real reason I was awake.
Jared persisted "I'm your fiancé baby, you can trust me with anything."
I sighed and muttered into his chest. "I'm stressed about the wedding, I don't feel like I deserve it."
I looked up at him and he was frozen with shock.
"Of course you deserve this Evan, you should leave the past in the past and you mustn't let the events in the past define the events of the future. The only way that Connor felt he could achieve happiness was though Death, he wasn't shown any other way out, you know how his family treated him. You are loved Evan, so much by me and your Mom and your friends... I HAVE AN IDEA!"
Half way though his monologue he started crying and I did too.
"What?" I reply wiping my nose on my sleeve.
"Let's get married today." He whispered, his voice filled with childlike excitement.
"You are crazy." I laughed.
"Maybe for you darling, but we can go to the registry office and invite your mother, my dads, the murphys and Alana. It can be the small, minimalist wedding I've always dreamed of and plus with your anxiety it seems sensible."
"What about the reception?" I ask smiling slightly starting to come around to this idea.
"We can have a picnic in the park, the one where you fell out of the tree, playing with yourself... or whatever you did as a loser kid."
He said ignoring the elephant in the room, the real reason I broke my arm that day.
"That sounds great Jared, but maybe we could go to a restaurant for lunch, something quick and easy?"
Jared jumped up suddenly, "let's have a party in McDonald's!"
"Yes!" I reply with just as much enthusiasm.

After making more impromptu decisions we called our loved ones and at 10am we were outside the office with my mom crying her eyes out.

She looked beautiful. She had a pick lacy dress on, a pink hat and white heels. Zoe and Alana were the bridesmaids, they wore pastel blue 50's swing dresses they bought 20 minutes before and both looked stunning. I wore a plain black suit with a pastel blue tie. The girls called me handsome and Jared whispered in my ear what he was going to do to me after the wedding. He lived up to his promise. I can't tell you what he done as it NSFW and it's making me blush just thinking about it.

What was Jared Klienmen, the love of my life wearing? I hear you ask... he wore a fucking Rainbow suit, let's not say anymore about it.

The wedding was simple but really gay and we went to McDonald's afterwards for the party.

For mine and Jareds honeymoon we are spending a long weekend in California. Maybe if I have time I will write about mine and Jared's first date.

From your most trusted and dearest friend.

Sincerely me.

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