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I was 1. I remember hazy memories of my first birthday, obviously. I remember there was a lot of hustle and bustle and lots of flickering of lights. Later did I realise that it must be those cameras capturing me, and why not? I was the daughter of the 'Queen of YouTube'. I remember such memories of my birthdays till my 9th birthday. My memories are clear since I turned 10.

It was my 10th birthday. I remember mom was very deppresed. Mom had been depressed for the past year now, all I felt was that it was my own fault. Mom would take care of me, so beautifully. She used to make these lists on a white board, which sticks to the door of mom's bedroom. I remember my room and mom's room clearly, considering the fact that I lived there for 24 years. With all of my friends being “I'm moving out” , I was the one who said , “I'm gonna stay with my family, ofcourse!"

Anyways, mom's room has this amazing wall with lyrics on it of some song I didn't bother listening to, although mom insisted to. But I found the song very motivational. Whenever, I felt low or upset, I would go to mom's bedroom and read the lyrics. It would really make me happy. I still don't know the song..

So back to mom's health condition... Mom was very depressed since I turned nine. Before nine, I couldn't get what mom's job was. Sometimes, she used to sit in her ‘office' writing something, or making calls, or just calling people to record her. She used to talk in front of a camera most of the time, and I couldn't quite figure out why. Mom also used to call people and record with them, strangely fathers and mothers of my classmates. Noel Higa's father used to come, Hanna Marble's mother used to come, Christian Sandoval's father, Grace Ballinger's mother (she used to come with so much lipstick on and looking so ugly) and Shina Helbig's mom too. Later the day, or next day in school all of us used to have these conversations regarding why are parents met and what work do they do. Shockingly to all of us, neither of us knew what work our parents did, and how were we able to afford just a lavish lifestyle. (Also, none of us had access to internet or phone, it was denied for all of us)

Finally, we decided to ask our parents about it. It was December, usually the month mom used to do loads of ‘work' ,.. many people used to come to our house to get themselves recorded, or mom used to go out with the people she invited to any place with sometimes aunt Nata, or Humble uncle or Kyle uncle.
Fortunate for our school group, once mom had invited all of us our friend's parents to her house in the month of December. They were just sitting and discussing something, with some papers in their hand.

We six went , but only Noel had the courage. He asked, “Father, what work do you , and infact all of you do?"

That's a wrap and zoop!

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