Chapter 5

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"But school sucks really bad. But not as bad as the people who are in it."-unknown

It was the Monday morning, and it has been three days since Niall dropped me off. I don't know what I was expecting, for him too do. Just show up at my school and take me anyway with him?

That was my wishful thinking while I sat in my weird smelling first period English class slowly drawing random shapes on the back of my worksheet I finished hours ago. I slowly closed my eyes as my boyfriend David reached across me to grab my textbook.

I couldn't help but wish someone else could have brushed my way. I couldn't comprehend why my pulse didn't increase and why my palms don't get sweaty around him.

I always thought that was normal. That we where just comfortable around each other.

But when the bell rang and David pulled me outside to, as he calls it "Have a little fun with the few minutes we have."

I can't help but feel completely numb to his actions and all I could think about was that blonde haired boy.

The weird thing is I think I see him in the bushes.

Authors Note:

Song of the day: Cute without the E by Taking Back Sunday

Sorry for the insane wait! It won't happen again, but on the other hand I have a little over 100 reads... That is so AWSOME. You guys rock. Anyway hope you enjoyed.... There maybe a new point of view coming up:)

Comment like and all that good stuff!


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