At the tick of 3 AM every single day, noises are heard, shadows are spread, air whistles around the empty town, well kind of empty, at that time we always hear dogs barking, cats, kind of screaming, there's some noises around us, the neighbour's baby crying, there's some noise in the kitchen, then there's Ethan, an 18 year old boy who was just watching Netflix on weekend like every other teenager, he was in senior year, his biggest nightmare aka school was close to end, but there was another nightmare a million times worse waiting for him, he fought his mental problem, his brain aging slow, at the age of 18 he supposedly had the brain of a 9 year old, everyone would think he acts like a kid, but he fought it he's one of the wisest boys in school, he prooved nothing's wrong with him, just as he shut his laptop down to sleep he started hearing some of the noises mentioned above but came to his conclusion that noises always exist, we only hear them at night because people are quiet, if there was no noise, that means everyone's dead
Wise explanation Ethan, works when you hear things, but will it work when you start feeling them?
No paranoia
Horror[#464 horror] We've all read horror stories about ghosts & spirits, we may have been scared at night, but we always came to the conclusion that "it's not real" Well what if we were wrong? -extended in prologue-