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Ethan woke up on Monday at the sound of raindrops, it was january and the weather was freezing cold, he was listening to music till it's time to leave home, there were footsteps, their sound went perfectly with the song rhythm, when a high note was there a high crack was heard, so high that Ethan himself noticed, he muted the song but he heard nothing, when he played it again, the footsteps continued,

"It's probably just an instrument in the song" he thought to himself

It was time to go to school, he arrived there and everything was peaceful and quiet

"Ethan Ethan Ethan, the CD where our project was saved is broken and there is no other copy we tried to reschedule the presentation and the prinicipal refused bc every other date is.."

"Stooooop" Ethan said  holding his head, he maybe got over his illness but he still will never be able to take so much information in his mind quickly, no one knows about what's wrong with him, they ask him cuz he's the wise one, he is indeed, but he still can't be put in so much, he'll never be normal and that's a thing only him must know

"Sorry" his friend Ivan laughed "i was saying the CD is broken"

"And you don't have another copy?" Ethan said wondering how they haven't saved the work on the computer

"No" Ivan said smiling awkwardly "and the presentation is in 2 days" he continued bitting his lips

"And who broke the CD?" Ethan asked sighing and Ivan's smile got even awkwarder if that's even possible

"Lucky for you i have a very good memory and I remember how it was like, so you're coming over, and we're doing it again tonight but i'm the one who will burn it on the disk" Ethan spoke quietly

"Cool, thanks" Ivan smiled then left

The day went by normal at school and Ethan and Ivan were walking to Ethan's home, they arrived here and started working on their CD, Ethan could've brought the whole group to make it easier but he knew it would be a pain in the head and everyone would want to lead, so he said better 2 takin longer than 10 complicating it

It was 3 am and they were almost done, they were both in Ethan's room, when they heard a door open

"What was that?" Ivan asked worried then Ethan got out and saw nothing happened so he got in again

"Nothing obviously" he said then heard a door open slowly again then slammed shut so quickly and they both jumped back at the sound

Ethan once again left the room to see nothing was happening and the house door was locked

"It's probably just the neighbours' door, it's windy" Ethan said quietly and then it started raining heavily and a smile appeared on Ivan's lips

"Ohh you love winter!" Ethan said smiling and Ivan nodded

But then there was a loud thunder and lightning that made Ethan's heartbeat fasten

"Calm down dude it's just a thunderstorm" Ivan said as he noticed Ethan was scared

"I know i just didn't see it coming" Ethan said

"WE'RE DONE!" He then screamed as they finally finished the CD "i'll save it and we'll sleep"

Ivan sat on Ethan's bed as Ethan was shutting the laptop down and taking the CD

"Ethan..." Ivan said, his voice shaking

"Yea?" Ethan asked

"Do you see this??" He asked

"See what?" Ethan asked then Ivan pointed outside the bedroom's door to a shadow

Ethan looked at the shadow, it looked like a human only he had a hand up his head, then this hand moved down to his neck and another hand held something then the shadow's form changed quickly and the door was heard slamming shut again

At this second Ivan screamed tears filling his eyes "someone is dying!" He said

"What would you say that" Ethan said trying to calm down

"Look we're tired and it's probably just our mind playing tricks on us okay?" He said quietly as he sat on bed next to Ivan

Ivan closed his eyes laying down, he was too scared to watch but he nodded anyway and fell asleep

Ethan went to close the door the he layed down the other side of the bed and quickly fell asleep too

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