Love is Weakness - Octavia Blake

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You and Octavia were ordered to go on a food run by Kane. While on the food run, four grounders from Azgeda attacked you two.

"Octavia, get down!" you screamed at her and as she ducked down, you threw your sword, hitting the grounder straight in the chest. As he fell down, Octavia ran up and slashed the other's neck. Seeing the fight unfold, one grounder had ran off and before the last one could, you tackled him to the ground, stabbing him in the chest.

"One got away, you good?" Octavia said to you, breathing heavily, as she helped you up.

"All good, where the hell did they come from? This place is usually empty for miles," you said while dusting yourself off.

"I have no idea. If you're fine, I think we should keep going, secure the area. That last grounder couldn't have gone far."

From there, you and Octavia continued the journey. It was about midday so you still had a bit of light out. She was telling you a story and next thing you know, an arrow was shot into your left shoulder.

"Y/N!" Octavia screamed to you, running back towards you. You saw the grounder that got away hiding in a tree, aiming his bow right at you.

"O, the tree." you said while clutching your arm. The grounder lets another arrow go, right into your leg. "What the fuck," you scream, falling to the ground. Octavia then drags you behind a log, trying to shield you from any more arrows. "I'm fine, go get him." you tried to push her to attack the grounder but she refused.

"Hell no, you're bleeding. We need to head back," you nodded your head knowing that you couldn't fight her on this situation. You had two arrows coming out of you and you were pretty sure you'd bleed out if you didn't hurry back. Octavia peaked her head over the log to see the grounder was missing. She picked you up, slinging your right arm over her. It was a long stride back to Arkadia and you started to feel faint halfway through. "Y/N, stay with me. I can't carry your heavy ass by myself. Come on." she said to you.

"I weigh less than you," you said to her, trying to keep yourself together. Before she could respond, you fall to the ground, not being able to hold yourself up anymore.

"Dammit, come on Y/N," Octavia grunted as she picked you up bridal style. This unknown strength helped her run you back to Arkadia. "Open the gate!" she screamed towards the guards. The gates were being opened and she slide herself and you through. "Get Abby, I need her!" she shouted. Clarke, Abby, and Bellamy ran up to her.

"What happened?!" Clarke screeched, seeing you unconscious with blood running down your arms and legs and Octavia. Jackson and Miller grabbed you from Octavia, "The arrows are poisonous, take her to medical" Abby said while jogging back.

"Azgeda happened. We were on a food run and got attacked out of nowhere. We killed three grounders but one got away and assuming followed us, he shot Y/N. She fainted halfway through coming back here. I didn't know what to do, I just froze." Octavia breathed out, tears threatening to form.

"It's going to be okay, O. It's a good thing you didn't pull those arrows out because she would've bled out," Bellamy said, trying to calm Octavia down.

"You don't think I know that. She got shot because I suggested we keep going. If we would've just left after the fight, this would've never happened." She said in a low voice.

"It's not your fault, Octavia. You and Y/N didn't know that grounder was following you guys. You didn't know he was going to attack." Clarke said.

"And because of that, she might die. I might lose the most important person to me because I didn't check on the grounder like she said. I can't lose her, I can't lose her, not after Lincoln. She's my best friend... She's the only thing that keeps me sane in this fucking hell hole. I love her, I'm in love with her and I won't be able to tell her because I didn't kill that grounder when I had the chance. It's all my fault." Octavia screamed out, crying now.

Octavia crying was not something anyone sees on a daily basis. She always told people that showing what makes you weak gives the enemy an advantage. She refused to mourn over anyone or anything, not until the war was over.

Her philosophy irritated you because she would always become a different person. Too shut out. It took you weeks to open her back up, telling her it was okay for her to cry over Lincoln's death. That night, she finally let it all out, crying herself to sleep in your arms.

"Y/N is strong. She's going to fight through this. She and all of us need you too hold it together. Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim." Clarke said to her. With that, Octavia picked herself up, wiped her tears, and walked to her room.

It's now been a couple of hours passed sundown and Abby had just given word to everyone that you were stabilized. Octavia was the first one to run into the medical room.

"Y/N..." she whispered to you.

"Octavia..." you smiled at her.

"Oh my god," she said while running up to your bed, pulling you into a hug, tears staining your shirt.

"Hey, why are you crying? It's okay, I'm alive."

"I thought I lost you. The arrows were poisonous, you lost a lot of blood, you fainted, I didn't know what to do." She cried into you.

"Abby gave me an antidote for the poison and she just removed the arrows and stitched me up. O, it's okay. I'm here." you tried to sooth her.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I should've killed the grounder when you told me to." She said while looking at your wounds.

"It's not your fault, O. If you didn't bring me back here, I would've died out there. You saved me. Well, you and Abby, I've gotta give her some credit ya know." you joked to her. She laughed and that's all you needed to know that Octavia was going to be okay. "Weren't you the one poring into my head that I shouldn't cry in public because it's a weakness that'll be used against me?" you raised an eyebrow at her while wiping her tears.

"Love is a weakness, Y/N. I already lost Lincoln, I don't know what I would've done if I lost you."

"I don't think love is a weakness. I think it's one of our greatest strengths. Your love for me brought me to this medical bed. Your love for Lincoln, it keeps you going through all your fights, through these shitty days." you quietly said to her.

"It's not my love for Lincoln anymore... it's my love for you. I'm in love with you, Y/N. Yes, I loved Lincoln but it wasn't hard for me to fall in love with you. You make me a better person. Your love and care for me is my biggest strength. I know at the end of the day, I can come to you and feel safe, feel better about everything bad that happens in my life." Octavia whispered to you, the vulnerability spilling out of her.

You've always had a slight crush on Octavia but never acted on it. You respected Lincoln and her feelings towards him. With her revealing her true feelings for you, the love you had for her turned into more. You realized how much you loved her in that moment.

"I love you too, Octavia." You kissed her with as much passion as you could. Pulling away, you both smiled at each other.

A/N: my first the 100 imagine. hope you guys enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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