Chapter 22 - James

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"This was a huge mistake," my second conscience, also known by the name of Jake, states as he sips from his, or rather my scotch I poured him a couple of minutes ago. "You should not get involved in your employee's private life." He sprawls across my black loveseat, laying his arm on the backrest. "You saw what happened."

"Don't tell me you would have acted differently," I scoff, leaning back in my armchair across from him.

"Look, I hate when guys treat their girls badly. But in the end, you can't help everyone on this planet. She's your assistant and you are not responsible for her love life."

My brother's words make me wince. If he knew, if he only knew how responsible I want to be for her love life.

"Come on," I quickly say, wiping away my intrusive thoughts. "He got physical. Was I supposed to stand there and just watch?"

Jake sighs. "No, but you're also not supposed to get into a fight with him. Hell, what's wrong with you? You've never cared about any of your assistants' well-being that much. One would think..." He stops and his gray eyes pierce through mine. "One would think you want her to be more than just your assistant."

Now, I regret having told my brother about this. Don't get me wrong. He's a great brother, the best brother I could wish for, he's my best friend and we talk about anything. But this? I don't think it was a good idea to have this conversation. I shouldn't have invited him in the first place. But I did, and now, here we are, in my apartment, discussing the girl I want to hold in my arms.

"Jim?" He props his elbows onto his thighs, leaning closer to me. "You're not saying anything. You're not all defensive, throwing names at me and telling me to get lost. I'm concerned, little brother."

I close my eyes at his inquisition. It is annoying, yes, but he is absolutely spot on. He's so much like me that it is fucking impossible to pretend everything's great and he just got it wrong. Besides, I'm in desperate need of lighting my chest. So, I draw a deep breath before I confess.

"She kissed me."

"What?" His eyes grow wide and his body slams back into the couch. "I'm sorry, what?"

"She kissed me," I repeat slowly, swallowing the content of my glass in one go. "In my office."

"Oh boy," Jake mumbles. "I hope you set her straight."

He waits for me to nod or say yes but I don't. Instead, I stare at my empty glass. I need another shot.

"Jim, tell me you set her straight," he urges.

I lift myself from the chair to fill up my drink.

"God, Jim!" He almost yells. "What were you thinking?"

I wanted to tell him, I really did, but now my boldness has left me. I can't say anything, I just drink.

My brother gives a loud sigh before he continues. "Shit, Jim, she's your assistant. Keep your dick where it belongs, in your pants."

"Jake," I turn to face him. "It's not like that. She's been hurt a lot and I can't stand to watch that. She has such poor judgement of situations, I just need to prevent her from jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. In fact," I drown another glass. "I called that musician she had a date with and scared the shit out of him, telling him how I'd fuck up his career if he'd ever laid his dirty hands on her. No one should touch her, no one should use her like that."

To my surprise, Jake laughs. "Except for you, huh?"

"Have you listened?" I snarl.

"Sure, I did. And what I could hear was, 'I want to sprawl her across my desk and fuck her senseless'."

"That's not nearly close to what I said."

"But that's what you meant." He grins, bemused.

"Look," I hiss at him, pissed at his words. "This is exactly why I should have kept my mouth shut. You don't get it."

Jake puckers his lips and raises his eyebrows. "I do get it now." He pauses dramatically before enlightening me. "She's gotten to you."

What is that supposed to mean? I think I need to sit.

"Jim," he shakes his head, smiling, while watching me settling into my chair again. "I can't believe it. The ever professional, ever correct CEO is into his assistant."

I mean to say something to the order of what the fuck but he raises his hand.

"No point in denying it. Damn, I'd like to see that girl my brother has such a crush on."

Crush? How old are we? 17?

"I'm not a teenager, Jake. And actually, I didn't invite you to discuss my employees. I want to talk to you about something else."

Jake raises his eyebrows, not sure if he believes me.

"So," he examines my face carefully. "What is it?"

I take a deep breath before dropping the bomb. "It's about Julie."

"What about her?" Jake interrupts me before I can finish. "Is something wrong with her? Is she sick? What is it, James?"

I can't suppress a smile over his obvious concern. Jake adores my little girl, she is his little princess and spoils her rotten. He loves her just as much as I do.

"No," I say quickly to calm him. "Nothing wrong, don't worry. I decided I'm going to fight for custody."

His eyes grow so wide that I'm afraid they're going to pop out of their sockets.

"What? Why?"

Recalling my last dinner with her mother, I press my lips together. "I want her here with me. This way I know she is well taken care of. Fiona is a bitch, she is not fit for the role as a mother. She is irresponsible and puts her needs above everything else. Even above her daughter's needs ... my daughter's needs."

Jake doesn't say anything, he just nods. He knows my ex-wife all too well and is aware of the ever tense situation between her and me.

I'm just about to add something when a knock on the door startles the both of us.

"Expecting someone?" Jake wants to know.

I shake my head, confused about that late of a visitor.

"Maybe it's Fiona. She might want to talk me into reconsidering my decision to drag her to court."

"Well, why don't we find out." Jake motions with his head to the door.

"Yeah, why don't we."

To be honest, I really don't want to. I have no desire to look into that ridiculously painted face I once loved and grew to despise. So, for a moment, I stand in front of that white heavy piece of wood that for now still protects me from this dreaded conversation with the mother of my child and wonder if I should just pretend to not be home, but Jake apparently has read my mind and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm right here, bro."

Grateful that he is right behind me and has my back, as he always does, I smile at him, then breathe in deeply in preparation of what is about to come, and open.

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now