Chapter 37 - Autumn

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He stops the car at the side of the path between two oak trees. I didn't really expect him to say anything in response, but when he turns in his seat to face me, he takes a deep breath, as if to get ready to say something. My heart pounds so violently in my chest that I can feel its vibration even in my hands, my neck, my feet. In anticipation, I study his truly beautiful face. His icy blue irises sparkle, and he gives me a warm smile as he opens his mouth to speak. My hands begin to tremble.

Then, his phone rings.

He frowns, obviously displeased about the sudden interruption.

"Freaking phone," he growls angrily, retrieving that obnoxious device from his pants pocket in a rather awkward manner. "Marlow," he grumbles.

I fumble with the pretty fabric of my dress while trying hard not to appear too interested in his conversation, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit curious. Nosy me.

My boss's facial expression turns to frost in a matter of seconds.

"What do you mean, she took her?"

Uh oh, he's getting mad.

"Don't move, stay where you are, I'll be right there."

With that, he ends the call, tosses his phone onto the dashboard, and like a crazy person, speeds through the woods onto the interstate, and back into the city.

I don't dare to speak. Whoever called him must have had bad news. Very bad news. He is so upset, and completely lost in thought.

Shortly before we arrive at the office, I somehow manage to muster my courage and turn to him.

"What is wrong?" I ask softly, afraid I might anger him even more.

He doesn't look at me but keeps staring at the street in front of us. Seconds of silence tick by and I already think he either didn't hear me or doesn't want to answer, when he finally speaks.

"Fiona." He inhales deeply before finishing his explanation. "Seems like she took off with my daughter."

Daughter? Um. Let's take a break here, shall we? My boss, my Mr. Marlow, my James, the man who had sex with me last night, and this morning for that matter, has a daughter? How do I not know about this? Why didn't he tell me? And what does he mean by 'took off'?

I stare at him, dazzled and absolutely dumbfounded.

He gives me a short look, obviously reading my mind.

"Yes, I have a daughter," he confirms cooly. "You have met her."

Huh? What is he talking about? I have never met his daughter, I didn't even know he had one until, like, a minute ago.

He's pretty skilled when it comes to catching other people's confusion, I guess, since he goes on to explain.

"Remember the little girl at the ice rink?"

Okay, this is just creepy. "How do you know about the ice rink?" I ask him, maybe a little bit too briskly.

"Well," he lifts his eyebrows without looking at me. "I took a walk downtown and saw you with my daughter at the ice rink." Coolly, he adds, "And with Mr. Clumsy-pants."

I close my eyes at his revelation, slowly shaking my head. This sure is a lot to take in at once.

"You spied on me?"

Somehow, I thought the rhetoric intent of that question was clear, but apparently not to him.

He nods slightly. "I guess, in an involuntary way."

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now