Chapter 39 - Autumn

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I wake before dawn, and for a minute I panic. Was it just a dream? Did it only happen in my vivid imagination?

Then, I feel the pressure on my stomach. Slowly, I turn my head to the side, and my worry-wrinkles turn into the widest grin my mouth is capable of. He is here. In my bed. Right next to me, his hand holding on to my hip and his arm resting on my stomach.

A very annoying buzzing noise distracts me from admiring the gorgeous features of the man of my dreams. Where is that coming from? I glance over at the night stand but can't discover the source, so I get up and follow that disturbance into the living room.

Yes, I'm on the right track, it's louder here. There, it's coming from James's pants which he hung over the chair before we went to bed. I can't help but smile at that. It sounds so normal, so intimate, just like a couple that has been together for a long time.

I retrieve his phone from the pocket and walk back into the bedroom.

"James?" I plant a small kiss on his cheek. "Your phone is ringing."

Suddenly, as if stung by an adder, he jumps out of bed, grabs the phone, and answers.


He starts pacing around the room, back and forth, back and forth.

"What? Is she okay?"

He freezes and stares out the window.

"Good, because I'm going to kill her."

He shoots me a glance.

"Yes, of course, I'll be right there."

He ends the conversation and rushes to find his pants.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, not understanding what's going on.

"They found them," he explains hastily while getting dressed. "Fiona caused an accident but thankfully, no one was hurt. Julie is in the hospital for observation."

He closes the last button of his shirt and gives me a brief kiss.

"I have to go, Baby. If I'll be late for work..."

"I'll be there, don't worry about it. I'm so glad she is okay."

James kisses me again, this time not so briefly, and then he's out the door.

It is already late  afternoon when the elevator doors open and James appears at the office

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It is already late afternoon when the elevator doors open and James appears at the office. He carries such a contagious smile on his face I just have to return it.

Meeting him halfway, I ask, "So, I assume everything's okay?"

He takes my hand and squeezes it happily. "Everything is perfect. I got my little girl."

"Really? That is wonderful!"

"Yes." He is so excited his words blend together and I have a hard time following what he is saying. "Actually, the hearing would not have been for another few months, but since Fiona was about to kidnap our daughter to Canada, the authorities see her as an unfit guardian and gave me sole custody over Julie."

"Oh James, that is great! I'm so happy for you."

He lifts me off my feet and giddily swirls me around.

"Will you do me a favor?" he asks, still grinning like a child on Christmas morning.

"Sure," I respond. "What is it?"

"Here." He hands me a small rectangular plastic card. "Go shopping."

Shopping? Absolutely perplexed I stare into his bright, gleeful eyes. "Sorry, what?"

He laughs. "Shopping. Julie has a room at my place, but it is somewhat lacking. She has a bed, desk, closet, a couple of toys, but I want it to be perfect when she comes home."

The word 'home' lights up every inch of his face in pure joy. I have never seen this man so ecstatic.

"Get her something nice. Clothes, toys, books, whatever you can think of. And don't be shy about the cost. It doesn't matter. Just buy anything a little girl wants to have. Jake is going to accompany you. I would like to do it myself, but I have a meeting in about an hour. He'll pick you up."

Wow. Just wow. He entrusts me with this? This renders me absolutely speechless.

His thumb lovingly caresses my cheek. "I have no doubt you will do an incredible job, and she will love her new room."

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now