It is a quarter past eight when I take one last glance into the mirror. My black hair falls loosely over my bare shoulders. The dress I chose is a gift from my parents. Mom and dad. I sigh as I remember the day they bought it for me. It was the day before their departure and they had organized a huge farewell party that evening for all their friends, colleagues and family. Mom dragged me out shopping because she wanted to get something special for me. My dresses, she explained, were nice but just ordinary. She wanted her daughter to look stunning. Dad insisted on going with us. He said he wanted to make sure we don't spend too much but really, I believe he just wanted to spend a little more time together as a family. He drove us to a small boutique almost outside of town and there, in the window, was the dress. Knee-length, ruby red silk with a neckline that covered only half the shoulders.
Mom was so excited when I stepped out of the fitting room, she clapped her hands and shrieked, "That's the dress! That's your dress, Sweetie!"
My dad paid for it and when he gave me the shopping bag, he said, "Wear it with pride, you're a Lewis, after all."
I wipe away the tear that is about to run down my cheek, careful as not to smudge my makeup. I wish I could call them and tell them everything that has happened but I can't. I will never be able to talk to them again.
With a heavy heart, I take my purse and coat, slip into my red heels, and head out.
It's freezing. The temperature has dropped significantly since I left the office this afternoon.
There is a long, long, extremely long line of eager party animals in front of The Dove, waiting patiently for their turn to be let in. I look around to find Jason Stills, but he is nowhere to be seen. Strange, it is a few minutes past nine. Didn't he say he would meet me here? I guess I will have to wait like all the others.
Have I mentioned it is cold, and have I mentioned the line is incredibly long? I have an invitation, and not just any invitation but a VIP one, right? So, I skip the line and head on straight to the bouncer. He is huge. I mean, not fat but pure muscle. His head is shaved and his look tells me that he'd rather be anywhere else right now than here. Still, I try.
"Hello," I smile up at him. "I was invited by Mr. Stills."
His eyebrows rise up. "Name?"
"Autumn Lewis."
"Hey Gaz," he grumbles into his headset. "Check Autumn Lewis for me, will ya?" He waits and then shakes his head overly dramatic. "Not on the list."
What? My face heats up in embarrassment. "But," I almost peep. "He invited me. We had a meeting this morning and afterwards he invited me."
"A meeting?" His grin is so saucy it's disgusting. "And what kind of meeting would that be?"
Angry at that suggestive remark, I hiss, "I happen to work for Malloy and Kinsley. We had a meeting earlier today to discuss Mr. Stills participation in the Hunter's Gallery Artwork Exhibit."
All sauciness disappears from the bouncer's face. Everyone knows Malloy and Kinsley, let alone Hunter. "Can you prove it?"
Fortunately, I have my access card to the office with me. I show it to him.
He nods and steps away from the door. "Have fun, Miss."
I'm kind of surprised that it was so easy to convince him to let me in, but then again, the name Malloy & Kinsley opens doors. Literally.
A wave of deep numbing bass shoots straight at me as I walk in. The club is packed with dancing, sweaty bodies and it takes me a while to get accustomed to the blinding colorful light that flashes on and off to the rhythm of the music.
How I will be able to find anyone in here is beyond me. But just as I'm about to give up, I see a crowd gathered around something, or someone. All I can make out is dark blonde hair and green eyes but I know, this is him. I take off my coat and slowly make my way through the party masses.
I'm not even halfway there when he recognizes me. He seems surprised. Why is he surprised to see me?
I watch him pushing through the people around him to get to me.
"What are you doing here?" He has to yell, the music is way too loud to speak in a normal tone.
"What do you mean?" I shout back. "Didn't you invite me?"
His long fingers run through his hair and he seems to contemplate something. Then, he takes my arm and leads me to the back of the club where we sit down on a comfortable black couch. The music is still loud, but not as deafening as before.
"You shouldn't be here." His eyes graze over my dress. "You look pretty, though."
I don't want his compliments, I want an explanation.
"Why not? I can recall that you asked me out."
"I know." He sighs and seems to get more and more uncomfortable by the second. "But I took you off the list."
Not understanding, I just stare at him.
"Look." He scoots closer to me so he doesn't have to yell as much. "It's a bad idea. We work together, sort of. Don't get me wrong, you're cute and all, but it was a mistake to invite you."
I don't get it. Are all men assholes? Or do I bring it out in them? What in the world have I done to be treated like this all the time?
"And you didn't even bother to let me know that you changed your mind? You just let me show up here and be humiliated?"
He sure looks like he is sorry, but his words tell otherwise.
"I didn't mean to humiliate you. The bouncer wasn't supposed to let you in in the first place."
"Yeah," I snort. "As if that would have made it better."
"Don't think I don't like you. But I also like my job."
Huh? What does his musical career have anything to do with this?
"Your job? What?" I spit, completely upset and hurt.
"Listen," he leans closer as if he's about to reveal a secret. "I got a call from your boss." He pauses and waits for my reaction, like his revelation explained it all.
I shake my head in confusion. "My boss? So?"
"He said he would see to it that I would never have another gig anywhere if ... well ... if you and me ... He's a pretty influential guy and ... "
I jump up, not letting him finish his sentence. "What?" I shout.
"Yeah," Stills shrugs his shoulders. "Sorry, Honey."
I can't stay one moment longer in this club. Without saying anything, I run outside. And I still run when I reach the corner of the next block. My feet remind me that they are not made for long sprints in high heels. I need to stop. My mind is buzzing, I can't understand what just happened. Mr. Marlow called Stills and threatened him? Am I caught up in the middle of a madhouse? Okay, let's use some reason here. My boss tells me I should go out and find someone who makes me happy. I try to and he pulls his strings to prevent it? No, this is not reasonable at all. But he did say I should not date clients. Great. I guess I messed up once again. It is all my fault. If I weren't so stupid thinking it would all get better if I went out with the first guy to cross my path, and if I had listened to my boss' argument, I wouldn't be standing in the streets, in the middle of the night, completely humiliated, stripped of the last bit of self-confidence, shivering like a fever patient.
My hands and legs sting painfully in the icy air and I know, it is time for me to go home.

Autumn - In Love With My Boss (An Office Romance)| Completed
RomanceMy life should be great. I have an amazing job with one of the biggest event management companies around, and I have a wonderful boyfriend. Oh wait, did I say "wonderful"? I meant "cheating". And my job used to be amazing until I got a new boss. Now...