Chapter 7 High Hopes

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I put my first aid kit away and grabbed a book to read. Just as I sat down, the doorbell rang and Sherlock stood up to answer it. "No, I've got it." I stood up and walked to the door. Once I opened it I was tackled in a hug.

"Is she going to be okay?! Are the boys alright?!" I pat his back awkwardly and sighed.

"Aiden, one, could you let go of me?" He nodded and composed himself. His face was drained of any color, his eyes were very red from crying, and he was slouching. "Two, I haven't heard anything. Why did you hug me like that? You know it makes me feel weird." He frowned.

"I needed a hug and you're the closest thing to Jasmine even after-" I cover his mouth.

"We'll talk about that part later when no one is here." He nodded and then licked my hand. I never pulled my hand away so quickly. "EWWW!!! That is nasty!" He chuckled and let himself inside with all of his belongings.

I lead him to my bedroom so he could put his things down, and the we walked to the living room.

"Aiden, this is Sherlock. Sherlock, this is Aiden. I expect you two to not murder each other." They shook hands and sat down. Sherlock was looking at Aiden intensely and I noticed this. "Sherlock, before you begin your deduction, I would like to remind you that he just saw his wife get shot. I would rather not get him even more freaked out than he already is." He glared at me and scoffed.

"You're no fun." I frown.

"For Christ's sake Sherlock! He might even have PTSD now! Just leave the poor man alone!" Aiden reached up and touched my arm lightly.

"I'm fine Naki." I frown and blush a little out of embarrassment.

"Don't call me that..." It was silent for a little bit and I scratched my arm a little.

"Can you pull up your sleeve for me?" I look at Sherlock, confused.

"Why?" He got up and walked towards me.

"You're in obvious discomfort with that scratchy sweater. Don't think I didn't notice it the first time I saw you. You had trouble lifting things with your left arm, which means you had something done to it which rendered it useless for a little while until you did therapy. Yes, before you ask, I did see you unloading that truck all by yourself and John just thought you were showing off, but you don't like asking help from anyone, and that is why you were surprised when Lestrade came to get you earlier. There had also needed to be another reason why you never lifted your sleeve even in the heat. Now lift your sleeve." I looked at Aiden who looked like his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets.

"Aiden, don't be so surprised. He does this all the time." He frowned in disbelief.

"Stop stalling." I sigh and lift my sleeve. To my surprise, Sherlock lightly touched my scar that nearly covered my entire forearm.

"I was a donor. Someone needed a few things, so I said sure. It's not like I use my left arm for much anyway." I avoided his gaze and looked at Aiden who had a look like he was sorry for me.

"Liar." I frown.

"Really? Go ahead and look at my medical records." I step away from him. I was just about to get some tea when my phone rang. I press the call button without looking at the caller ID. "Nakida Sonya."

"There is a car outside. Bring your brother with you." I groan.

"Really Mycroft. You can't just walk inside my flat and talk to me that way?"

"Sherlock is there, and I would like to have a more, private conversation." He hung up before I could say anything else. I sigh in frustration.

"Aiden, we've got someone to talk to."

"Tell my brother I said hello." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." Aiden follows me out of the flat and into the car.

"Wait, where are we going?" I smile at Aiden's curiosity.

"You know when he introduces himself." I heard him huff in annoyance.

"Seriously, Nakida?"


~Time Skip~

I step into the quiet building and head towards the desk.

"Why is-" I cut him off and point to a sign.

Silence! Speaking is prohibited!

"I'll do the talking." I say very quietly. I walk up to the desk and greet the man there in Sign Language. 'Hello. Mycroft called me in. I would like to know where his office might be.'

'Ah I see. His office is right down there.' He points down the hall.

'Thank you very much.' I head down the hall, pulling Aiden along with me.

"Wait, what was that all about? Where are we going? Who is this Mycroft guy? Why are we here?" Once I reached Mycroft's office my patience was wearing thin.

"Aiden, could you shut up for about two minutes?!" I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I opened the door and dragged Aiden with me. "Hello, Aiden. You must have many questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability. First off," I closed the door before he could continue. "my name is Mycroft Holmes and you were brought here for a simple reason."

"And what was that reason?" I snorted.

"So you would have to endure the craziness of Sherlock." I completely dropped my faux accent just simply because Mycroft already knew my past. "So, now. Why am I here?" He sighed and learned up against his chair.

"Sherlock has started to catch on."

"You don't think I already noticed that? With your impeccable timing, you got me out of a situation with your dear brother." He raised an eyebrow and I lifted my left sleeve. "He noticed this when I was unpacking my things, months ago. He started questioning me about it."

"And what did you tell him?"

"To check my medical records." A look of shook and disbelief crossed his face.

"Claudia!" I threw my hands up.

"What did you want me to tell him? 'Oh yeah, by the way Sherlock, I'm transgender.' I'm not quite sure he'd be happy with me even after the kiss!" Oops.

"What?" I bit my lip and then found the floor very interesting. "I'm not quite sure I heard you right." I laughed nervously and started picking at my sweater.

"Yeah... He might have kissed me when I was... up against a wall..." I said the last part quietly, but apparently not quiet enough.

"He did what?!" I felt myself shrinking as Aiden's anger radiated off of him. "I swear to god if he's one of those people who use you again, I will personally cut his-"

"Aiden, stop." Mycroft's calm, but alarmed voice seemed to slow down the spread of Aiden's anger. "I can't assure you that won't happen. He just might want information out of you." I frown.

"I didn't think much of it anyway." To be honest, I was a little hurt. I shouldn't be considering we're talking about Sherlock, but still...

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