Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 22 speaks loudly and prophetically of the suffering, death and triumph of Jesus Christ. He is our Shepherd as He gave His life for His sheep! He was forsaken by God, became sin for us and bore the wrath of God which we deserved. He was despised of men, mocked by His enemies, who rejoiced to see Him die. To the men who crucified Him, He was nothing more than a criminal being executed for His crime. But we know He was fulfilling prophecy. This was not an accidental act! As we read Psalm 22 we will see Christ throughout the content.
David with his prophetic eye wrote in Psalm 22:1-2-(NKJV)-"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, and from the words of My groaning?" (Read Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46-and you will read the first nine words of David's plea and the last nine words of Jesus plea on the cross of Calvary which He cried out in the ninth hour; Psalm 38:1 was David's plea at another time in his difficulty). "David continued in Psalm 22 by crying out "O my God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear; and in the night season, and am not silent." David assumed since he did not see the answer that God is not hearing him. We are so impatient, but remember David never stopped calling out to God! Also remember it was GOD David was calling out to! He was in the right place and in the right PRESENCE. He knew God was the only One who could answer so his complaint revealed his trust in God!
David recalled what God had previously done for Israel in Psalm 22:3-5-(CEB)-"You are the Holy One, enthroned." (That ought to get a shout of praise out of you!). "You are Israel's praise" (That is why I am so happy!). "Your ancestors trusted You- They trusted You and You rescued them;" (The history of Israel proves this to be true). "They cried out to You and they were saved;" (In battles, in captivity, and in slavery). "They trusted You and they were not ashamed." All this was so true, so David knew the same God could help him if he acknowledged Him. This is why he prayed with trust in God!
David went and suggested that his status before his nation had changed. In verses 6-8 of Psalm 22 he said, (TEV)-"But I am no longer a man; I am a worm and scorned by all!" (Read Isaiah 41:14). " all who see me make fun of me; they stick out their tongues and shake their heads. 'You relied on the Lord,' they say. They say, 'Why doesn't He save you? If the Lord likes you, why doesn't He help you?' ". (Read Matthew 27:27-31, 39-44 and see what Jesus heard; Isaiah 53:3-6 Jesus suffered the same abuse and more for us.-"All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."). What a blessing! (Psalm 91:14-tells how God helped us.) David knew this also.
David is sure of God's help in Psalm 22:9-11-(TLB)-"Lord, how You have helped me before! You took me safely from my mother's womb and brought me through the years of infancy. I have depended upon You since birth; You have always been my God." It is evident where David's trust is! (Read Psalm 71:5-6 which revealed "You are my hope, O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth." He repeats what Psalm 22:9-10 says, "You are He who took me out of my mother's womb..."; Also read Isaiah 46:3 as it carries the same theme as Isaiah 49:1 does. I like Isaiah 46:4 as I can relate to this phase of life now-"Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you." ). Wow! What a promise- from pre-birth to old age He carries me! Some days I feel I needed carrying as getting around becomes harder each year! But God...! David went on and said, "Don't leave me now, for trouble is near and no one else can possibly help." (Psalm 22:1 held the same plea!)
Psalm 22:12-21 I chose to cover all in (CEB) as it is so clearly written. David began with the threat of familiar animals with which he compared his present situation. The first is in verse 12-"Many bulls surround ; mighty bulls of Bashan encircle me." (Psalm 68:30-" Rebuke the beasts of the reeds..."). The bulls were ferocious beasts and could surround and attack if they were bent on destruction. David compares the people who confronted him as these bulls.
Psalms In My Palms - Book 4 - Lament
SpiritualStudies on the Psalms of Lament contained in the Book of Psalms.