Abel and Lana Party

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A/N- thank you to everyone who is still reading, I know I haven't posted on this story since like, last year.  but I've recently found some more inspiration! Hope you enjoy <3

Lana woke up the next morning to find the place scattered with remnants from the party. Abel had been safely brought home last night by one of Lana's servants. She didn't come here often, but luckily the servants kept it clean. She was still staying with her mom but she wanted to visit this place. She didn't even know how the party had started last night. She didn't know any of those people. Lana put on her chiffon robe and went outside to check the mail, not expecting to receive anything interesting. She yawned and opened the mailbox, to find something unusual that is almost ancient in our society, a letter. A bright red letter was waiting in the mailbox. Lana inspected it. It was from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. How odd. She opened it carefully and pulled out a black cardstock paper printed with gold lettering. At the top she read "You are cordially invited to the Met Gala" in cursive writing. Oh of course, the Met Gala. Lana was surprised that they would invite her after she murdered two men. She walked inside, pondering whether it was a good idea to even show up. Was this some kind of sick practical joke? She already had to seclude herself from the world because of the outrage after her incident. Luckily, most people agreed that it was out of self defense, and she was seen as quite the badass. She sat on a loveseat, studying the invitation. Everyone would be going. It would make more of an impression if she didn't go. She could go with Abel. After considering, she decided she would just have to go, to show that she is unphased by what people think of her actions. Lana opened her phone.

"Are you going to the Met Gala?" -Lana

"Yes, are you?"- Abel

"Yeah, I guess so"- Lana

"We should go together"- Abel

"I'm so glad you said that"- Lana

"Hey, everything is going to be alright. If they invited you they obviously want to forget about the past."- Abel

Lana was comforted. Her and Abel would be the bee's knees!

The limo pulled up. Lana found it difficult to step in due to her long, shimmering, silver gown. She painted on a dark purple lip and the driver drove without a greeting or a sound. The luxurious silence passed as Abel plopped himself onto the black seat.

"Hey babe," Abel said, following with peck on Lana's lips.

"You're blinding!" Abel said jokingly, shielding his eyes from Lana's shining gown.

"You look gorgeous. No one is even going to notice me." Abel said. Lana giggled like a little girl. The limos lights were low, leaving a romantic blue hue against the seats. Outside, the cold business conducted in the skyscrapers were forgotten, and replaced with glamorous lights and action of the city. They stopped in front of the glorious building, held up by ancient columns and flooded with celebrities. As the two stepped onto the red carpet, they were attacked by camera flashes. Little did they know, this seemingly harmless night would be one of the most dangerous nights of their lives, again.

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