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"What?" He said, in almost a whisper. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said it.

"Are you trying to make me quit my job?!" I said angrily, the rain pouring down on us.

He scoffed, "Your kidding me right? You've got to be kidding me..." He said leaning closer.

"K-Kidding?!" I stuttered but gathered my courage again, "I only met you a few days ago! I learned some about you- no lots, but that doesn't mean anything!" I screeched.

"Listen. Unless you wanna get raped, stay with- that kid you always come here with. I don't like him because he's always all up on you, but do it. Okay?" He said okay in a deep voice, his breath tickling my ear.

But before I could I answer, my phone rang and Taehyung got off me. I looked at my phone to see the caller ID.

Jiminie Pabo~ ♥︎

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I looked at Taehyung who was looking around furiously, and when he turned to look at me I answered the call.

"Y-Yeboseyo?" I said, shivering.

"Um, are you okay?" Jimin said, and I could hear loud 'vroom-ings' in the background.

"Y-Yeah, where a-are you?" I asked. I heard him yell and his voice started fading.

"I'm almost near the—" I turned up the volume, "The restur-cunt! Stay putuped! I'll be der soup!" He said then hung up. I had the most confused and desperate look on my face. I put my phone back into my pocket and stood there while Taehyung held my umbrella, not even using it. It was flipped upside down by his side.

I was still shivering and I had realized my shirt was now transparent. Fuck! I crossed my arms quickly and stood in the rain. I shut my eyes since the rain was starting to get into my eyes, but just then I couldn't feel anything on my head anymore and something wrap around my shoulders.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Taehyung half naked and holding the umbrella over us and I felt very embarrassed.

"I know I look scrumptious right? Well, whatever your trying to cover seems important to you... even though I don't know what you have to cover but—"

"Y-Yah!" I stuttered, slapping his arm while trying to pull the jacket over a little bit more. I saw him smile and I smiled as well.


"... —that kid you always come here with. I don't like him because he's always all up on you, but do it."

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