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@InfiniteYasmine 〰🐺〰

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"Alpha, the guards just informed us that more rogues have been appearing outside of our borders. They've fought off a whole group of them already, they've asked what they should do?"

I contempt on a plan for a while "fight them off. I'll send more men out there as soon as I can, Try to capture at least one of them alive."

"But Alpha Alaina. Why?"

"Don't ask questions, Mason. Just listen then act." I send him a quick smile, sending him away. He quickly mind links other men explaining to them what I've just explained to him.

We need answers from those rogues and we need them fast. Our people will kill if that's what it takes.

Mason. My second hand. My best friend. My everything. He's been through hell and back with me. He's been through my rainy days, my ups and downs and the days where everything that was mine; left, disappeared or fell apart.

The phone rings in my office, the sudden noise in my head making me have a little headache due to my sense of supernatural hearing. I walk over to my office, speeding over to the phone and answering on the last ring.

"Alpha Alaina here. May I help you?"

"Alpha Alaina, sweetheart. It's true what people said about you're voice." That name. -Sweetheart-

"May I ask who I am speaking to?"

"I'm afraid if I tell you, you won't be speaking to me anymore." He gently spoke with a tint of amusement in his voice

"I don't have time for games. Hurry up and speak." I say with honesty

"Feisty. I like it. Alain-"

"Alpha Alaina." I cut off

He coughed almost annoyedly "Alpha Alaina, its Xavier."

"You mean the Alpha? From the Dark Shadows?" I cut in again

He chuckles, teasing me slightly "excited?"

"As if" I scoff "What do you want? I don't speak to my enemies. Mostly the ones who've killed loved ones and then completely vanished off the face of earth."

"Sweetheart I haven't vanished; I'm here now aren't I? I don't kill anyone either, there's reasons to why." He growled

My Last Mate | InfiniteYasmine🐺✔️Where stories live. Discover now