The Wiccan Chosen One (Chap. 17)

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Chapter 17


            The pain was worse. My head hurt so bad that I was constantly nauseous from the pain and the torture wasn’t helping anything. Her magic whipped out at me again, cutting past my skin as if it was butter. The thwack of the whip was drowned out by my scream. She laughed but didn’t stop.

            “The amazing fucking Chosen One, huh? You look like a crying little wimp to me.” Another lash of her magic. “You’re supposed to lead us all when you don’t even know how to use your ‘great powers’? I’m supposed to be the high priestess!” Thwack. More pain. “You are nothing! Do you hear me? Nothing!” Thwack. “And when you’re dead, guess who’s going to be there to console that senile little bitch that you call grandma. She’ll name me the next high priestess and then I’ll kill her, just like I’ll kill you.” Thwack. My scream. Her laugh.

            “You won’t get anywhere near her,” I gritted through my teeth. The blood that filled my mouth made the words incoherent but I knew that my tormentor knew exactly what I had said.

            She laughed. “Really? Who’s going to stop me? You? I don’t think so.”

            I spit the blood out my mouth, aiming at her. “You’ll never be named the next high priestess. Grams would never be stupid enough to fall for your little act.”

            She hit me again, this time with all her strength. “She’s been falling for my ‘little act’ for nearly ten years now. Anyway, if she magically see’s reason and denies me my rightful place, I’ll go warlock and murder damn person in our coven. Even your precious ex-fiancé.” She laughed. “Actually, no, I’ll save him. I’ve always wanted a sex slave, he’ll do perfectly and when he begins to bore me, his torture will be just as fun as yours. Oh, and if I do become high priestess, I’ll still do the same thing. Isn’t life grand?” She laughed again.

            I hissed at her. No way in hell was I going to let that happen, I’d die first. My magic pushed against the bonds of the magic restriction spell she’d put on me when I had been unconscious. It didn’t break through.

            Dimly I heard some loud sound somewhere else in the building and she stopped. A grin- if I could even call that baring of teeth a grin- spread over her face. “Well, well, well, it looks like we have some company. I think your friend Sara has finally made an appearance.”

            I swore mentally and at length. More than anything, I wished that I had never found out that I was the damned Chosen One, that I never met Sara… that I could see Daren again, just one more time. Against my will, I felt one of the tears I’d been holding back fall down my cheek.

            “Hello, Katheren.”

            I woke up with a jolt, covered in sweat, and my heart beating so fast that I was surprised that it didn’t beat its way out of my chest. I swore as I jumped out of my motel bed and paced around the room. More than anything I wanted to pretend that everything I saw was all just a dream but it was much too real. Katheren was somehow being tortured by some unknown witch and about to be handed off to Sara. Sara wasn’t going to wait until Blessing Moon; she was going to kill Katheren now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2012 ⏰

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