Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

It's Wednesday night, and I've spending most of it jumping up and down on my bed, listening to the boys CD Luke gave me. I'm playing Unpredictable and screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs. Lavigne's at Tabitha's again, and Mum's currently getting ready for work. And here I am jumping up and down listening to my friend’s band on repeat, screaming out the lyrics, not a care in the world.

"I'll take you where you wanna go, lift you up if you fall to pieces let me be the one to save" I scream, while jumping up and down, my hair flying wild. The springs in the mattress are squeaking, but I ignore the possibility that my bed will collapse from underneath me; I'm having way too much to fun to just stop my crazy ‘rocking-out-to-music-moment’.

"….and Unpredictable." 

The song stops, and I flop down, stopping to catch my breath for a brief second, my throat sore from practically screaming the lyrics. The intro to Try Hard starts playing, and I stand back up on my bed, with my hair let down loose, and continue jumping around. My head tilts toward the door, as I swear I heard a knock, but it would have only been Mum, so she could have just walked in.

I continue jumping up down, spinning around, occasionally whipping my hair around, while screaming out the lyrics, when suddenly I freeze as I catch that blonde haired boy standing at the door, with a big smirk plastered on his face. I point my finger at him threateningly, before jumping off of my bed, and stopping the music.

"Tell anyone, and I'll do more than stomp on your foot." I warn him, eyeing him menacingly, before sitting down on my bed. I pat the spot next to me for him to sit but he doesn't move. I guess he’s still shocked from all the insane jumping around and singing I did. I must have looked like a freaky freak.

"Your…I didn't….you…” His mouth flops open, trying to put his words in a coherent sentence before giving up and smiling shyly at me. “I like that you’re enjoying that CD. You left this at Ashton's by the way, and we were going to go to the Laundromat together, remember?" he reminded me, passing me my school jumper. I completely forgot Luke was coming over to walk with me to the Laundromat. How could I have been so silly?

Damn, I wouldn't even let my own boyfriend see me go bonkers like that…but thinking about it right now, I guess Luke can get away with it. I've told him things I haven't said to Shane, not secrets, just embarrassing things I did when I was little and would rather forget.

"Thanks. Um…Hi." I greet him, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. I realise that I never actually did the appropriate host thing and say hi to him; but it’s not every day your best friend finds you singing at the top of your lungs to his band’s songs. So you could say I was a bit distracted.

"Hi" His lips quirk in that adorable smile of his. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

Have I ever said how much I like Luke's hugs? I really like his hugs; I like Ashton's, Calum's, and Michael's hugs but no one’s hugs can match up to the niceness of Luke's. They are just so warm, and despite his muscular build, he’s so cuddly! I was scared that I might have hurt their feelings for saying that I preferred Luke’s hugs over theirs but they wholeheartedly agreed that Luke gives the best hugs.

"Do you want to go? It closes early tonight. Mary has to go to the Doctors tonight, so she's closing up early." Luke slips his arms from around me, referring to the owner of the Laundromat, and I start to get ready. I sit my jumper on my bed before looking through my drawers for some other clothing other than my school clothes.

I mean, who likes to go anywhere in their school uniform? Not me! Even Luke was already out of his.

"In a minute, I'm just going to quickly change." I tell him, pulling out an oversized sweater and some black leggings. I'm wearing a singlet and shorts, so I don't really care about getting dressed in front of Luke. He's my friend and nothing more, so it doesn't matter if he sees me in my underwear, does it?

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