Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

We have free dress day at school today (it's been a week), everyone loves these days, including myself because we don't have to wear that ugly school uniform, and we get to wear our own clothes. Yeah, we have to give a one dollar coin in, because our school runs free dress days for charity's and stuff, so they raise money by us donating a dollar coin for free dress. But it's means I'll be comfortable, so I'm happy.

I had just left home fifteen minutes ago, and I'm now walking to school. It's starting to get really cold, but lucky for me, I'm wearing my beanie, and my fluffy hooded winter coat, thats apparently 'in' right now. I adjust my bag onto my shoulder, like usual the straps keep falling down if I don't hold them, silly bags.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, it vibrated it a few seconds ago. I unlock it, opening up the messages, finding a new one from Luke.

'Hi :p'

I smile, and send him a 'Hi :P' in return.

'How are u?'

'Good, today looks good so far. :)'

'Awesome, babe. :)'

':p' I send back.





'I don't know anymore faces, & that so I give up, babe. xx'

'Haha. xx'

I hear a few footsteps behind me, but cover the noise by my laughing. I keep walking, my eyes plastered at the phone in my hands. Luke and I have sent like twenty or more messages to each other in the past minute.

"Oi, slut."

I ignore the naming calling behind me, because for all I know they might not be talking to me, so I don't turn around, I keep focused on my phone, and fasten my walking pace.

"Oi," Hands press onto my back, and I get shoved to the ground, luckily my phone didn't drop on the ground, and that's it's safe in my hands. Phew. "I was talking to you."

"And I decided to not listen to you." I say, standing up, brushing my bum off. I look over at the speaker, and it seems to be Sarah alone, with no Megan, or Shane. Great, we're alone. She's a bigger bitch when Megan and Shane aren't around, shit.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that you stupid fucking blonde slut." Sarah says, putting her hands onto my chest, shoving me back three times, trying to make me fall over but she's not going to succeed (hopefully). 

"I'm talking in the tone you spoke to me in. Didn't your Mum ever tell you to treat people the way you want to be treated?" I say, smirking at her afterwards, before being pushed to the ground. Okay, I guess I deserved that, I was a being a bit of a smart ass, wasn't I?

"You fucking little bitch and your fucking smart mouth. Fucking talk to me like that again, and I'll fucking kick you the fucking stomach ever harder then last time, you stupid slut." Sarah says. "Here, I'll give you an example."

Before I got to say anything, she slams her foot into my ribcage and winded my stomach, I hold my stomach, and stand up. She's being so harsh. But why? I don't understand what I did that was that bad for this to happen. Yeah, I've always been a bit of a bitch to her but not that big of bitch to her that I deserved this. I fucking hate girls so much, even though I am one. But, like I hate hanging out with girls, cause shit like this happens.

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