Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

It's Saturday, the weekends finally come! Thank goodness for that. The boys got a gig at a local pub, and I'm currently getting ready for that. The boys are coming to pick me up, once again, I told them I could drive down to the pub, but Michael kept saying that he was driving, and that we should all go together. So, I sighed, and smiled at Michael, and told him I'd go with them.

Here I am, currently finishing off curling one piece of hair. I had showered about an hour ago, and slipped into this pretty dress, that I've had sitting in the back of my wardrobe, I was in a girly mood, so decided to wear a dress, and heels. This dress is strapless though, so I'll need to hunt down a jacket somewhere in my room, and find a pair of heels to wear. I own a lot because…I'm short and they come very handy.

I turn off the curly, and step both feet back onto the ground. I can't see myself in the mirror in the bathroom very well, it's really high up, and my hair is so long, I can't see half of it in the mirror, so I kinda have to step on my tippy toes. 

I hear my phone vibrate, and run into my room thinking it was a text from Luke, or maybe Mum, once again. But I was wrong, it's a text from Shane this time.

'Hey, you slut. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? No one likes you, Luke's blind, and your a slut, that will die alone. You don't belong in this world, your just a waste of time. Die, already.' 

A tear rolls down my cheek once more, it's a good thing I'm not wearing make up at all tonight. I clench my fist, and wrap my other hand tighter around my phone. I swing my arm, letting go of the phone, and smash it against the wall. The screen smashes against the wall, and falls to the ground, looking like glitter, that's going to be fun to clean up. I sob, I'm so weak. I'm always crying because of what they do to me, their not worth my tears.

I storm off to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I sit the black towel onto my lap, and pull out a razor blade I had hidden in one of the draws. I quickly slash the blade across my wrist, making sure not to go too deep or vertical. I wince, and do it once again. I can't believe I keep doing it, but it just takes away the pain. A tear rolls down my cheek, that cut hurt this time, it hurt a lot. 

All of a sudden, the door opens up. A smiling Luke walks into the bathroom, then his smile fades, and his lips go into a thin line. He rushes over to my side, and I bite my lip, another tear rolls down my cheek. He doesn't say anything, and grabs my wrist. He looks into my eyes.

"H-how did you get in here?" I ask, stuttering a bit.

"Your Mum let me in. But that's not important, why? Yenessa, why are you doing this to yourself again? This isn't healthy."

"It hurts, Luke. Megan keeps sending texts and stuff telling me to go kill myself, Shane sent me one before, I would show it but I smashed my phone, th-"

"Pick up the blade, Yenessa." Luke says, I grab the blade, and hand it to Luke but he pushes it away. He places my hand with blade in it onto his wrist. "If your hurting, cut me."

"N-no." I say, stuttering.

Why on earth would Luke want me to cut him? Is he crazy?…Well, Luke always been crazy but in a good way, this isn't a good crazy…this is crazy, crazy.

"You might as well, you doing it to yourself is hurting me, when ever you feel the need to cut, grab my arm, and cut it with that damn blade. That way, you won't be hurting physically, and it will make me happier." He says, his tone soft. He urges me to do it but I throw the blade into the bin.


Okay, I find this cute, yet sad. I'm hurting him by cutting myself. So, he wants me to cut him, so then I'm not hurting myself physically, instead he's going to be the one that will be hurting physically. Does this make any sense?

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