chapter 9

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"Good morning queen." I was greeted by his husky morning voice. I looked over at him, his hair was messy and his cute white teeth were on full display which I couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah morning Collins." I greeted back.
"Someone's not a morning person."
" Congrats for figuring that out."
"Dont I deserve a staaar." He said while faking a kiddish accent.
" No you deserve a kick in the balls."
"Why you gotta be and ass Rose you hurt my heart." He said while his hand was touching where his heart was pretending to be hurt.
"I thought you didn't have one."
I answered pretending to be fake surprised.
"Ouch that hurt even more."
"Hahahaah I know right."
I said while laughing my ass off.
"Go shower kitten."
" Without you its no fun." I pouted.
"Nah I got work to do."
"What work?".
" They got Scott's whereabouts. " He answered.
I was now scared because my brother was in danger and I had to do something about it.
"When,where is he?,is he alive?"
"I have to go." He then left.
After that I showered and did my morning routine. Daniella then came in.
"Hey gal friend. " she hugged me .
"Hey Dani you good?"
"Yeah I actually am. You don't look okay, is everything okay?" She asked worriedly.
"Yeah but then Xavier wants to kill my brother and know he knows where he is ."
"Its because your brother killed his father and he has to do it to avenge on his dad's death."
"No Daniella it can't be, my brother can't kill Xavier's dad, its just a misunderstanding and its also just can't be." I protested.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Yes am positive about this, please do something to help me, just let me go see him once, please Daniella."
"Okay then, I'll be in a lot of trouble after that but its okay." She said.
"Thank you so much." I hugged her.
"Your welcome gal friend." We both laughed after that.
"So how will you go?" She asked.
"We'll say that we went shopping then i ran away." I said.
"Dont you think that that'll make Xavier even more mad?" She asked .
"Yeah but I have no choice and if you say that you let me go then that'll put you in more trouble with Xavier and Luke and everybody."
"Your right , okay then, let's go. You'll take my car and then I'll call Luke to tell him that you have escaped after two hours so that they don't go after you earlier." She said.
"Okay then let me go change." My heart wasn't happy that I was leaving Xavier but then I had no choice. I had to go tell my brother that he's being followed after and meet him too .We went to her black Audi and then the gates were opened for us.
"Hey you have an Audi, I love Audi's ." I said.
"Haha really? Dont worry then, you'll ride my baby today."
"Wow I really can't wait to do it." I answered excitedly.
"Which car did you have back then?"
"Just a Bentley ."
" Hahahaah really? I loved Bentley's. I actually wanted to buy one but then Luke bought me this."
"Aaawwwh that's the cutest thing ever. I can't believe Luke bought you a car."
We talked the rest of the ride and then we parked the car at the mall.
Daniella then got out of the car and gave me some money for usage and a bag of clothes.
" Am sure you know the way back right. Switch on the GPS."
"Yeah I can manage. Thanks Dani."
We hugged and then she left.
After that I drove the far of the mall's parking lot and started my journey off. I was a little bit nervous but mostly scared that maybe I was too late to find Scott or maybe Xavier had killed him already. I wondered if Scott had really killed Mike or maybe he did it because Mike did something to him.
I drove off until it was late afternoon. Am sure that Daniella has called and Xavier and his men are out there looking for me. I missed Xavier already but then I actually had no choice but to run coz I had to think of myself too.
I got kinda hungry so I decided to go to a nearby diner and eat then sleep in a motel until the next morning.
I ordered macaroni and cheese.
"Hey is this table occupied?" A guy came and then sat with me.
"Well it kind of is so you might wanna scram." I told him rudely.
"Easy there little lion. Don't come tearing all of us with your words as claws and teeth."
I couldn't help but laugh at what he said. He was pretty cute tho but not as much as Xavier . Man I need to stop thinking about him now.
"Am Theo by the way." he said extending his hand for a handshake.
"Hey am Amanda , nice meeting you Theodore."
I had to use a fake name because I didn't want Xavier nor his men to find where I have been.
"Owh no love, its just Theo."
"But I think Theo suits you better ."
"Okay then call me whatever you want cupcake." He said.
"How about the guy who hits on strangers?" I mocked .
"Now that's a bad way to talk to a good friend don't you think."
"Haha whateverrr." I answered back.
"So what brings you here?" Theo asked.
"Hunger ." I answered back.
"No as in are you travelling or something?"
"Am actually running away from some stuff. Shits pretty fucked up here." I said referring to myself.
"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.
"I can't tell." I answered.
"And why can't you?" He asked.
"Coz I dont think if I can trust you and you are a stranger. Momma taught me never to trust strangers."

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