Twenty-Three - Home

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Standing outside the door I tentatively pulled out the small, silver key from my pocket. I twirled it in my hand, having a mental debate in my head. I eventually made up my mind, gathered my courage, put the key in the lock and twisted it. The door swung open and I willed myself to cross over the threshold. I pulled my jacket tighter around me and slowly made my way to the top floor. I shakily lifted my hand and knocked on the wooden door. Behind it I head scuffling as someone made their way to the door. It creaked open, pulled from the inside, to reveal a face I hadn't seen in many months.

Hands covered his face as he muffled a disbelieving howl. Tears pricked at my eyes as I watched his reaction.

"Hey Phil." My voice croaked.

"Elysa?" His arms wrapped around me, pulling me in close.

"Hey Phil! Who's at the door?" A female voice shouted form upstairs.

"Just...just come down and look!" Phil called back. Resting his hands on my shoulders he pushed me back at arm's length. "Elysa, it's so good to see you. Why didn't you tell us you were back?"

"This is my way of telling you." I shrugged.

Phil gave a short laugh and pulled me in for another welcoming hug. "I don't believe it."

A loud gasp brought my attention to the person who had parked themselves right next to Phil. I raised my hand in greeting, "Hey Emma. How're you going?"

She rushed forward, pushed Phil out of the way, and began hitting me with her hands, causing me to yelp in pain.

"Emma, what the hell? Stop it!"

"Why didn't you call? Or text? Or email? I was so fucking worried! You didn't contact me, or anyone else for weeks! And you think it's acceptable to just show up without warning and think it's all going to be fucking okay?!" She continued hitting me until I grasped her by the wrists.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I just thought I'd surprise you."

"Yeah, well, sorry don't cut it. Jerk."

"Bitch." I retorted. She shoved her hand onto my shoulder before dragging me into a bone-crushing hug.

"It's good to see you, too. Can I breathe, now?" I let out a shaky laugh and Emma released me from her tomb-like hug.

I then turned towards the final person in the small entrance room. He stood there, a small smile on his face and his hands shoved in the pockets of his jumper.

I smiled and walked forward, stopping just in front of him. I wasn't sure whether to say hi or hug him but he made the decision for me by enveloping me in a warm hug filled with warmth. My arms rested just above his hips, my ear pressed against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. For a moment it was like it was Dan and I with no one else around. Just our arms around each other, our beating hearts, our small love for each other. To be honest, that single hug was as close to perfection as I could get.

"Hey guys? We're still here, you know." Emma's voice called out although it sounded far off.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Just got caught up in the moment." I apologised.

"I can see that." She said as she pointed to her eyes. "You've got a few tears there."

I laughed awkwardly as I wiped a finger under my eyes.

"Shall we head inside, then?" Phil suggested and we all obediently followed him up the stairs. Sitting on the couch I crossed my legs and twisted my hands in my lap.

"When did you get here? And why didn't you tell us you were back?" Emma asked, beginning the interrogation.

"I got here a couple of hours ago. Dropped my stuff off at home then came here. And I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise."

"What about your dad?" Phil asked. He obviously meant to be kind but any mention of my dad sent a shard of ice into my heart.

"He...he didn't make it. I stayed for the funeral and a little after that but... Sydney was too full of painful memories. I had to leave. Mum understood why." I didn't really want to leave. I wanted to be there for Mum and Sam but I couldn't. I was too much of a daddy's girl, it hurt too much to stay.

"I'm so sorry." Phil said softly as Dan rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

"Why don't we put on a movie? Get some blankets, we'll all snuggle up, eat chocolate and popcorn. It'll be great. What Ghibli movies do you have?" Emma suggested.

"We've got loads," Dan answered after a few seconds. "You know where they are, Phil."

Phil stood up and Emma joined him, mumbling something about getting food. Not so subtly leaving Dan and I alone. I rested my head on his shoulder, loving the heavy weight of his arm around me. He began playing with my hair with his long fingers.

"Do you want to talk about?" He asked softly.

"Talk about what?" I turned my head to face him. His face was obviously saying 'You know what I mean'. Of course I knew what he meant. I just didn't want to.

"I'll take that as a no. But...if you want to try being a thing, as we both promised before you left, you'll have to tell me at some point. Unless you don't want to be a thing, then you should tell Emma, seeing as she's your best friend."

"I do want to be a thing with you, Dan, I really do. And I will tell you and Emma it's just...I need a little time to adjust to being in London, to sort out what's going on in my life, to figure out what I'll actually say. Give me one week and I'll tell you, okay? How does that sound?"

Dan nodded just as Emma and Phil walked back into the room, Emma laden with popcorn and chocolate, Phil holding a box set of Studio Ghibli DVD's.

"Totoro or Spirited Away?" Phil offered two Ghibli names. "Or Howl's Moving Castle? Or a different one?"

"I vote Totoro." I called out. Dan and Emma seconded my choice as Phil slides the disc into the DVD player. Emma passes around blankets and bowls of food. Dan immediately shares his blanket with me, the soft material covering my legs. I curl up as the opening credits began, complete with cute music.

Yay, I updated again. And Dan's back!

I'm back at school and it is so boring. As usual. Though art's fun because it's the one class I have with more than 2 friends so we get up to some mischief.

How is everyone? Do you start school soon or have you started alrady? Let me know in the comments! I love to hear from you guys and what you think of this story!

- Ella

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