We all wanted to be Kings and Queens
Wished to rule the whole land and all the seas
No one needs to tell us what to do
They had a castle built just for you
No need to pick up the mess I made
Everything is perfect in my own world
Bells would ring wherever is my destination
I'm no longer another wave in the ocean
We all wanted to sit on a golden throne,
No need to eat on plates made of stone
Merchants be waiting for my face on a bronze nickel,
Then I'd be on every printed paper
But then too much power will control us
Thus a war, thus a fallout
I guess the King wasn't the one its all about
But the country, the people, all along
We all wanted to be on top of the world
But I'm now looking at my own greed
My soul was imprisoned, cannot be freed
We all wanted to be loved, not to be feared
Maybe in another life, I'll be one of them
Of the good kings and queens that lived
I used to rule the world
It was a great feeling I longed to have
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