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By the time Will pulled into a driveway and stopped the car it was pushing 10pm. You were exhausted, a feeling that wasn't exactly new to you but the combination of the Xanax and the flying made it ten times worse. Ever the southern gentleman Will opened your door for you and held his hand out, frowning slightly when you took it and swayed gently on your feet as you exited the car.

"You okay darlin'?" he asked kindly. You nodded.

"Just tired, it's been a long few days."

"Perhaps a few more of those pills will help you sleep tonight, Y/N," your husband commented, a slight edge to his voice. How did he even know you'd refilled the prescription? Will looked between you both, his expression unreadable.

"I get anxious when I fly," you told Will, not wanting to sully your name any further. You couldn't be sure how much he knew.

"I'm the same doll, I'm the same. No matter how many times I do it and I still think that metal bird is just gonna drop outta the sky. Let's get you both inside and then you can sleep."

"Actually Will, I'd like to come and visit mother if could bring me home with you. Y/N can stay here, and I'll catch a cab home later."

He couldn't really make it anymore obvious that he didn't want to be around you, could he? Will's eyes flickered slightly but he nodded all the same, pulling a set of keys out and tossing them to Spencer. He fumbled slightly and almost dropped them, causing you to bite back the smirk that threatened to cross your face. Small victories.

"You go and open up and I'll bring your suitcases in."

Spencer walked towards the front door and you waited a few seconds before following. It was dark out so you couldn't see much but the house was much larger already than what you were used to. But then again you were used to apartments. He fussed around with the keys for a moment and then swung open the large wooden front door. He motioned for you to enter as he went back to the car to help Will.

You stepped inside the foyer seeing a large staircase in front of you with rooms leading off a hallway. Spying a light switch, you flicked it on and took in your surroundings. The walls were papered in a deep blue with pictures and mirrors dotted about. In the dim light you could see dust coating the wooden picture frames, the wallpaper peeling away by the skirting boards. This suprised you, Spencer had always made out that this place was a grand family home and now it seemed unloved. At least from the small amount that you could see. A thud on the floor and a sudden presence besides you startled you.

"I forget that you've never been here before, have you doll? Will's kind face came into view and you shook your head.

"Not what you expected eh?"

"I'm not sure what I was expecting really," you replied to your brother in law.

"Well with William being so ill Diana didn't really get chance to keep house. She cared for him here, as much as she could to begin with but it became too much even for her. He deteriorated quite quickly over the past year, eventually being moved into the hospice. She's been staying with us since then."

Spencer's father had been ill for a year?

You couldn't react and show that you weren't aware of that fact. But, what the fuck?

"I imagine that was very hard on her, even with her training," you replied.

"I think her training made it harder to be honest, the fact that she's saved so many other people but couldn't save him."

Although retired now, Diana Reid had been an oncologist at one of the major hospitals in the area. Spencer had told you repeatedly how she was being headhunted constantly but refused to leave Nevada. Her job took her away from the home as it was already. The hospital was a ninety minute drive from Elsmouth, Spencer once recalling to you how he and his twin had waited up until 2am just to see her Diana on her birthday. William Reid had been the stay at home dad, a novelist being able to write stories whilst the children were being schooled. Spencer had gotten his love of worlds from his father where as Jennifer had trained as a midwife, not quite following her mother's footsteps but stepping close enough to them.

"What are you two talking about?" Spencer had followed you both inside, depositing the last of the suitcases on the floor.

"I was just telling Y/N how much we've missed her. It was a shame she was always so busy whenever you came to visit us Spencer."

More revelations. Spencer had left town on a few occasions, book signings or guest lecturing he had told you. Apparently not. You kept your face neutral, wondering what Will's game was. That had not been what you'd been talking about at all.

"Yes well, my wife had things she much rather have been doing. Visiting her sick father in law was not a priority."

Your jaw dropped and you stuttered out, "P-perhaps if you had told me how sick he was....."

Will touched your arm lightly. "It's okay doll, we all know how Spencer likes to downplay things."

Spencer just nodded, his interest in shaming you now thwarted as Will had come to your defence.

"So listen, Momma Reid had Jayge and I restock the kitchen for you guys. There's some basic groceries and a few bottles of wine around. We changed the sheets in the guest bedroom.... We weren't sure how you'd feel sleeping in the master, what with all their stuff being in there still. We'll all pitch in and help clear this place up for you once the funeral is over."

The funeral was tomorrow and you were exhausted, suddenly feeling on the verge of passing out. Even the mention of wine hadn't piqued your interest. You yawned, no longer to keep it in.

"Shall I show Y/N to the guest.... Well, bedroom?" Will asked, watching Spencer carefully. Your husband nodded, suddenly staring at a family photograph on the wall, his jaw clenched.

You made to grab your bag and Will lifted your suitcase, leading the way up the stairs and flicking on lights as he went.

"There's a bathroom attached to the bedroom so you'll be fine tonight. Kitchen is at the end of the hall down stairs if you do need anything from it. I expected Spencer to want to give you the grand tour but I guess he's got other things on his mind. JJ has been the same these last few days, scatty as a kitten who's lost its tail."

He swung open another door for you and led you into a large bedroom, a king-size bed taking up the centre although you were quite certain you'd be sleeping in it alone.

"Listen, Y/N. If you ever wanna... if you ever wanna talk about anything, just give me a call alright? About anything. Anything at all." He looked at you pointedly and reached into his pocket pulling out a card. You'd almost forgetten that Will was the deputy sheriff. Taking his card you shoved it into your pocket, suddenly feeling a lump in your throat.

"We'd best get going if he wants to see his mom. She'll be ready for bed right around now. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N. Sleep well darlin'."

Your brother in law left and you waited until your heard the front close before you stripped down to your underwear and fell into a the bed, falling almost instantly into a dreamless slumber.

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now