Twenty Four

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How Emily and Tara managed to sound interested as you told them about your first day waitressing you didn't know, but they managed it, both hanging onto your every word with huge grins on their faces.

"So you think you'll like it there?" Tara asked, offering you a glass of wine which you politely declined, knowing you had to be up early.

"I honestly do. Grant and his family are really nice and Hayley who I worked with tonight was sweet. It gives me something to do as well, takes my mind off of things and I can at least start saving and pay you guys something for letting me stay."

"Don't be stupid Y/N, we're happy to have you here."

"No seriously guys, I'm eating your food, drinking your wine, I need to pay my own way."

Tara and Emily shared a glance before Emily relented. "Okay fine. Once you've been there a few weeks we'll sort something out. And on that note, here." Emily slid a key ring over to you, two keys hanging from it. "You'll need these if you're working, to let yourself in and out.  I got them cut earlier. They are officially your keys rather than the spare set."

Keys to their house. It was such a small gesture but it made your tummy flutter. They trusted you enough to give you your own set of keys. Emily cut through your thoughts with a playful tone to her voice.

"So we... was that Luke I saw dropping you off?" Tara nudged her harshly.

"Oh yeah, apparently he's in the diner all the time and was just about finished so he ran me home."

"He's such a great guy isn't he?"

"Em...." Tara warned.

"What?! I'm just saying Luke's great. You like him too babe."

You weren't sure exactly what was going on between them but it was clear you were missing something. Still, you agreed with Emily.

"He is pretty great. Really kind and just down to earth."

"Pretty handsome too huh?" You watched Tara huff and roll her eyes at her partner.

"Erm well... Yeah, he's pretty cute. Anyway, I'm gonna shower and get off to bed, early start tomorrow. Thanks for everything guys."

"Night Y/N," they both replied as you left the room, absent-mindedly touching your fingers to your lips.

"You need to stop," Tara berated her lover.

"What? You didn't see what I saw. She kissed him goodbye Tar."

"Wait what? Really? What sort of kiss?" Now Emily had her attention.

"Well it was just a peck on the cheek but...."

"For gods sake Em, she was probably just thanking him for the ride. Stop reading too much into it and pass the wine."


You worked through until Sunday, your feet and your back aching but you loved every second of it. It was strange, when you'd waitressd that first year of college you'd hated it, it being simply a means to an end. And you guessed that even now it was really just a means to an end, the money would help restore your life. But it was different now. You had a reason to get out of bed each day otherwise you'd risk letting Grant and Kate down. And the fact that you were being depended on, made you happy.

The work was hard when the diner was busy, but when it was quiet you got to sit and chat. Hayley and Jess were both sweet girls working to save money for college, and Mateo was so full of life, always singing in the kitchen with Grant joining him which the customers loved. They were all a little family and they welcomed you with open arms. Erin was out for the rest of the week so you picked up her extra shifts, Grant and Kate making sure you got plenty of breaks and keeping you well fed and hydrated.

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now