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[ hundred eighteen ]

4 months later

"Taehyung~ Talk to me?" Seokjin pouts on the other line as he stares at his best friend for quite a while now. He wanted to video chat with the two since he already went back to America two days after the comeback of JYN.

He heaves a sigh when Taehyung still doesn't give a fuck about him. The younger was the only one available since Jimin told him that Tae took a month off from work without telling the reason.

"You've been like this for a week straight, Tae. What's happening to you? Even Chim and me couldn't get a grasp of you," he says again before messing with his hair. Taehyung finally looks at him with tears in his eyes.

"Hyung, tell me, am I not enough? Am I not the best?" The younger one whispers. Seokjin puts a hand to cover his mouth until such time he realizes what was happening with Taehyung.

"Tae..." He trails off, unsure about what to say because he can feel the younger's pain. Not because he experienced it, but because there's a connection between them. They've been best friends since God knows how long and Jin literally took care and raised Taehyung like his own kid.

"Answer me, hyung. I beg you," Taehyung's tears start to drop one by one. He didn't bother wiping it and just let it fall from his eyes.

"Jeongguk..." Jin whispers, "left you?"

He receives no answer but one thing's for sure; he is fucking correct.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID THAT JERK DO TO YOU, KIM TAEHYUNG?!" Jin shouts as he can't restrain his emotions anymore.

Jin's heart breaks into pieces when he hears Taehyung's muffled sobs in between the call. The younger mutters a soft, "I'm not okay. I'm sorry" before facing the camera away from him and bursts out crying again.

"Tae? Please talk to me. Face me, baby. C'mon. Hyung is here. I'm here," Jin tries his voice to be gentle enough for Taehyung to calm down and open up to him. He went about it again and again but still to no avail. He puffs his cheeks and decides to give Jimin a message on his phone since he is using his laptop.

Jin dad
Chim? R u busy?

I'm eating dinner rn, hyung. Will be going home in a while and is bringing a take out for Tae. Why?

Jin dad
Please go back home quick. I'm video chatting Taetae rn but he keeps on crying. Please go to him and hug him tight for me.


"Jin hyung?" A tiny voice booms from the speaker. Jin immediately shifts his gaze to the screen and lets out a shaky smile.

"Yes, my baby?" Taehyung sniffs and scrunches his nose upon hearing the reply.

"Come home. I need you," Jin sits frozen on his seat. This is what he is afraid of the most. Somebody needing his presence but all the luck in the world can't be owned by him because he is too far away and he can't be there for them.

"I ca-" he cuts his sentence off when he looks at Taehyung's pleading eyes. He can see and feel how much the younger needs him.

"I will, Tae. I will book the earliest flight for tomorrow. I'll tell Chim to pick me up at the airport and then we'll see each other. That okay with you?" He smiles and stares at the other with assurance in his eyes.

"O-okay," Tae manages to whisper.

"Will you promise to tell hyung all of the details as to what happened to you and Jeongguk?"

"I p-promise..."

"Well then, I have to go and book my flight for tomorrow, Taetae. See you, okay? Chim's coming home any minute so wait for him and don't shut him out again. I love you. I love you both!" Jin blows a kiss which makes Taehyung giggle and turn off the video chat.

He massages his temple and breathes in.

"Hang in there, Tae. Hyung's coming."

a/n: it's almost the end of book 1. :))

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