Ch. 1

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It was your first year and you had no idea what to do.  You were really panicked and rushing around trying to find the platform. There was a platform 9, and a platform 10. But no 9 3/4. Then you saw a nice red haired women with two identical looking boys. 
xX Time Skip to 5th year Xx

~~Your POV~~

I was already dreading going to Hogwarts, of course I was running late. I ran through the pillar, Its still weird running through a brick pillar.  I came out the other side and saw the train... Already moving. 
"Crap!" I yelled.
 I ran trying to get on the train.  I tripped over one of the cracks between the cement. I sprawled my hands out in front of me.  Two hands grabbed each of my wrists, pulling me into the train, and kept me close to them.  I hugged both of them for, 'saving my life'.  George chuckled and said,
"You're our best friend! I would save your life any day!! 
I giggled along with them.
"Don't worry love,  we won't let you fall for us... " Fred said winking. 

We walked all around trying to find a compartment. When Fred,  who was ahead of us he yelled,
"(Y/N/N), Georgie!  Come on!!"

I felt a sudden jolt as I realized,  George never let go of my wrist.  That made me smile very widely.  Fred held the door open for me and said, 
"After you, love." He calmly said.
I walked in and Fred followed behind, separating me and George, and sat next to me.

Apparently I was very tired, because I feel fast asleep. I woke up with Fred cradling my head in his lap. I groaned.
"Sssssshhh, love. Your going to be okay."
Then I saw George, holding my hands,  and he was saying,
"It's all going to be okay, don't worry, we are right here for you."

"Wha-What happened?"
I was very,  very confused.  Fred spoke up and I looked at him,
"You don't remember,  love?  You we're crying and whisper-yelling,  Don't leave!  Don't kill them!"
Then George continued,
"You we're sweating a lot...  And saying our names... "
He was blushing a lot now.  That's when I remembered what the dream was about,  "I-I remembered what happened.  Bellatrix ca-came and took you gu-" I was cut off by Fred holding me closer.  I started crying into his chest, and he stroked my hair whispering,  "Ssshh,  love.  We understand." George was then rubbing my back. 

When I fell asleep again, I didn't dream anything. I did wake up to George telling me to get my robes on. I got my robes on, and remembered what they had done to make me feel better.  I smiled, 
"Maybe I do have a chance."

I came back in and George started a very interesting game of truth or dare. 
"(Y/N/N), Truth or dare?"
"I dare you toooooo....  Scoot over and let me sit by you. "
I shrugged and scoot over closer to Fred.  It was a tight fit but it worked.  Then 'Mione Harry and Ickle Ronnikins walked in.  They joined in too,  it was my turn next. 

~~Fred POV~~
It was (Y/N)'s turn,  and she pointed to George. I admit, I was a bit jealous she picked George over me.  But it was just a game...  Right?  Anyways,
"George,  truth or dare?"
He was startled he was picked.
"Er... Dare..."
"I dare you to purposely get into detention today!!"
He looked at her smugly and said, 
"Challenge accepted" They laughed for a while,  then he chose Ron, Ron chose Hermione,  Hermione chose Harry,  Harry chose George, George chose me, I chose Hermione, then things got really interesting when she chose (Y/N). She told her,
"(Y/N),  Truth or dare!?"
"Dare!" She said bravely.
"I dare you to kiss every boy in here!" Her eyes got really wide, so did ours.  She hesitated for a while, while Hermione was laughing her arse off. 

Finally, (Y/N) stood up, and kissed Harry on the cheek, then Ron,  then George, then mine. All our faces were red. Mine, Harry's, Ron's,  George's, (Y/N)'s were from embarrassment,  Hermione's was from laughing. Then we were all laughing.

The train came to a skidded halt,  then a crash. We heard blood curdling screaming.

~~George POV~~
Harry jumped up, and grabbed Ron's and Hermione's hands to get them out of there. Fred and I knew that (Y/N) was very easily scared, she was obviously terrified at the moment. Fred had no idea what to do either,  but I did. I grabbed (Y/N) hand and pulled her into my arms. I ran outside with, Fred close behind us.  Dumbledore and Hagrid were there yelling, "Get to your towers!!  Get to your towers!!" I kept running, fast. That's when I saw the fire. It was jumping up and down like red snakes. Someone had purposely set it on fire with a spell. (Y/N) saw the fire too, and she held on to me tighter, so I held her closer.

We brought her into our room.  The prefect came into the room yelling, "Fred!! Get your arse outside!! George, stay with (Y/N)!!" And ran off very quickly. Fred looked at me then (Y/N).  "Good bye Georgie, Good bye love. Take care of her, I will be back as soon as I can." With that he ran after the prefect. (Y/N)  looked much calmer than expected, then I thought I heard her sobbing.  Then I realized it was me. I quickly wiped away the tears before she noticed. Too late. 

She crawled over closer to me on my bed. She hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder. I was worried for Freddie. 

~~(Y/N) POV~~
I was holding George close to me with one arm, and rubbing his back with the other. I had never seen him like this, it was weird. He seemed to be quieting down and falling asleep.  I gently laid him on his bed. I heard him breathing in deeply. I leaned over,  pecked him on he cheek.
"Good night Georgie... " I said through a yawn.
I eventually fell asleep on the floor. 

~~Fred POV~~
I walked into my room, to find (Y/N) on our floor. I sat in the chair we had thinking about it, I had a couple of minor burns... Which hurt like hell. Then I broke, I was crying now. It was a horrible night. I walked over to (Y/N) and put her on my bed and tucked her in, the same with George in his bed.

I was falling asleep when I said,
"Good night, Georgie. Good night,  love." I mumbled. 
I thought (Y/N) was asleep till I heard,
"Good night,  Freddie Boo." She turned towards me, smiled, and closed her eyes. I smiled at my nickname, and fell fast asleep.  I had never had such a wonderful dream.

Hey guys!  I hope you like the book so far!  Comment if you have any suggestions. I worked all day on this...  Oh well!  I swear I will write a chapter every day with at least 1000 words.  There were 1201 words in this...  Bye my belles!

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