Ch. 7

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It was summer again... And I was waiting for the the 'seven Harrys' to come home. Ginny, Molly, and I, were very worried. They should have been back by now... One by one they came, but it took George very long. When he came, he was missing an ear. Molly didn't want me making him any more upset, because he might try to calm me down, so Ginny has to lock me in her room. After a while they left me out. I walked down to see Fred joking with George. I looked at him and Burt into tears. Ron walked over and at me down in the floor, let me cry on his shoulder. George spoke in a whisper, "Stop flirting wit my best friend and bring her to me." Ron laughed and led to George, every now and then I would hiccup between sobs. George held me close to him. It was getting late, and I was falling asleep. George pulled me onto the couch next to him, hugging me before drifting asleep.

I awoke on the floor. George was gone too. I went and got a drink of water from the the bathroom, then walked into the kitchen to see George staring at Harry and Ginny, with their handing on each other. I lifted an eyebrow, "What happened here?" Ginny backed away from Harry and gave George a pleading look.
"Harry was just snogging my sister." I started to choke on the water I just drank. Hermione was behind me and squealed,
"(Y/N)!! If Ginny and Harry get married, and you and George get married, you and Harry will be like brother and sister!!" I face palmed, shaking my head. Them Charlie and Ron walked in. Charlie announced, "No, no. It goes like this. Ginny and Harry marry, (Y/N) and George marry, Fred and Angelina Marry, Ron and Hermione marry, and we are one big happy family!! And (Y/N) will be married to a one eared ginger!!" I laughed and snarled if that was possible.

I walked over to the refrigerator, and grabbed some blueberries. Charlie sneered, "Mad, ey?"
"No, I'm being the bigger person and ignoring you."
"Well that's funny, every male Weasley in this house is bigger than you."
"I give up on this family." I announced walking out.

The rest of 7th year was sad and lonely. There was no Fred and George. No Harry, Ron or Hermione. Ginny was too busy trying to find Harry. The school was slowly disappearing. The night before I had a dream about Fred dying, it was terrible. I woke up crying and you couldn't stop. You were in Dark Arts, which had been changed from Defence Against the Dark Arts. I was so distracted on my dream, I got detention. "(Y/L/N) detention tonight. 8 pm. Crabbe, meet me here tonight to help out."

xX Me Skip to Detention Xx

I walked in and Crabbe immediately hit me with the crutius cruse. I screamed and cried. This went on for and hour. The year went by so fast. End the battle of hogwarts came. Bellatrix was fighting with Percy and the twins in one of the halls. She was talking to him like she did in the dream. I knew in about 30 seconds, she was going to kill him. Everything slowed down, I grabbed my wand and said the words I thought I would never say, the most terrifying words ever. "Avada Kadabra!" I yelled. Everyone turned to me, and Bellatrix dropped to the ground. I walked over to her limp body and looked at her cold, dead eyes. "I hope you under stand, to never even think about harming my friends again."
I felt 4 pairs of arms wrap around me." They were warm and comforting. I looked up to see a very angry Goyle staring at me dead in the eyes. He brought out his wand and used a spell I didn't know. It hit my eye, and stood there for a bit, my one remaining eye wide open. When I snapped put of shock, I started to scream and black out. Before you passed out, you felt someone pick you up and bring you towards the exit of the room. You then felt dead.

I woke up to everyone there. The gingers, Harry, Hermione, Lee, Angelina, Lavender, Alia, Parvati, Alicia. Neville, Luna, Cedric, Cho, Roger, even Draco. "Huh, you were right Lee, everyone is at the funeral." They laughed. "Classic Captain, always making jokes." Lee answers.
"Yeah. Aye aye captain. Or Eye Eye captain. But only have one... So... Eye Captain!"
I chuckle.
"What do you call George?" I gestured to the boy holding my hand.
"He is ghost. Get it? Ghosts and EARy."
We laughed at that one too.

Everyone cleared out, and George was still sitting next to me. I kept babbling on and on. Then I called him ghost.
"Oh shut up!"
"Make me!" I yelled
He shrugs, "OK."
I feel soft lips on mine and I kiss him back. He pulls away and whispers something. Remember when I told you the most dangerous words were Avada Kadabra... I was wrong. He just said them to me.
"I love you, (Y/N/N). I always have... Since 2nd year."
"Don't worry Georgie, I have loved you since 1st year."

A/N: Omg guys!! I hope you us liked it! If I should continue is book I will. Thanks for reading this! If you guys want me to write another Harry Potter ship book I will be more than happy to!! Have a great day!! Also, I'm writing a Fred X Reader book now!!

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