Ch. 8

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I was coming up with ideas in Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. When they had asked me to join I was elated. So now, here I am, struggling to come up with ideas. I decided to go check on the twins.

I walled into the room to see them have a giant cauldron, making some sweet smelling concoction. I walked over and sniffed,
"Smells like apple pie. What is it?"
"Love potion" Fred stated bluntly.
"Uh.. Why- wait - yes! His just have me the best idea ever! Thanks guys your the best!" I squealed hugging them.
"Did you give some to her?" Fred asked as I walked away.

I went and I got one of my old perfume bottles and walked back to the twins.
"Is it done yet?" I asked impatiently.
"Why do you want a love potion?"
"You'll see" They looked and me and shrugged. I dipped my bottle in, coming out with a pink, sweet smelling substance filling it up.
"Why did you need that?" George asked.
"It's perfume! If you wear it it will Snell like your favorite thing, to everyone!"
"That's bloody brilliant!" George yelled.
I put some on my wrist and smelled,
"Mmmm... Apple pie"
I held my wrist out to Fred, he sniffed and I saw tears glistening his eyes.
"Smells like the burrow" The burrow recently burned down, leaving behind many prized possessions. I ruffled his hair trying to let him know it was going to be ok. I held my wrist to George.
"You smell the same." I said clearly confused.
"Oh Georgie, because the thing you love the most obviously (Y/N)."

We both blushed. No body knew what happened when he said those dangerous words except me. And him of course.

After filling many bottles of the special perfume, I opened the doors. I was walking around helping anyone who needed help. I heard a boy, probably about 14 years old ask for help.
"I cant reach it..." I muttered nervously.
"I can help!" I reached up, but I was too short. Darn it! Why must you be so short! I mentally said to myself. I groaned and walked over the stairs,
"Fred!! Help!" He walked down the stairs a bit angry looking.
"I cant reach the extendable ears..."
He chuckled and helped the boy. Your 19 you should be able to reach something in the top shelf with your short shelf. I hate when my self gave me advice.

QI ignored it and walked up stairs to check on George. I walked up the stairs and bumped into a wall at the top step. The wall was actually George. He grabbed my waist and held on to me so I wouldn't fall. He pulled me up and held me to his chest.
"Thank you so much!"
"No problem... Hey remember when I said I loved you, and you said it back, and we kissed. Uh... Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He said rubbing his neck.
"Of course Georgie."
He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. We only kissed for like... 3 seconds, but we heard something,
"George! You never told me that you we're dating (Y/N)"
We pulled apart and saw Funny, Mr, and Mrs. Weasley. I blushed and George said,
"I just asked her out! She said yes!" He said like a little kid.
Ginny came up and hugged me.
"How is school Ginny?"
"Great! Harry and I are dating again." Charlie appeared behind them,
"See! One big happy family!"

A/N: Ha! I remembered a authors note this time! I just wanted to say thanks for the reads! And sorry for the shirt chapter. I am running out of ideas, so please comment some ideas so I can update sooner! Thanks guys! Bye my belles!

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