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~~ (Y/N) POV ~~
Fred and George has left for class without me. I was running, so I wouldn't be late. I walked in and,
"Your late Miss. (Y/L/N)." Snape...
I looked down in shame and nodded. Today we had potions with hufflepuffs. "Miss. (Y/L/N), Your Weasley friends already partners... So let's have you partnered with Mr. Diggory. Also, 10 points from gryffindor for being late." I nodded and sat next to Cedric. We introduced each other and talked.

I happen to be great in potions, unlike Cedric. He was about to drop in some mandrake in the cauldron but I grabbed his hand. "That will make it explode..." We then had a fit of laughter. Professor Snape, and the twins were staring at us.
"Mr. Diggory, Miss. (Y/L/N). Detention, 8 tonight."
"Professor, I already have detention here at 8 tonight." The class erupted in giggles or 'oooooooo'.

"Then you stay an extra hour."
I glumly nodded and left potions. George ran up to me exclaiming,
"2 detentions in one day (Y/N/N)!!"
I just giggled. Then Fred caught up,
"You have to get your act together, love!"
I was laughing so hard now I fell over. They helped me up and laughed too. Then Cedric ran up to me,
"(Y/N). Do you think you can help me with potions next week at hogsmead?"
"Yeah, sure."
"How about, 3 broomsticks, 1 pm, Saturday."
"Alright, sure."
Then he smiled and left. George put their arms around my shoulders and cooed,
"So you and Cedric right?"
"What?" I said very confused.
Fred joined in saying,
"You're a thing right? Dating?"
I laughed,
"You guys know I haven't, don't, and won't have a boyfriend."
"I bet you will."

There were 3 more days till I got to go to the Weasley's house. I was invited since my parents we're out of town working. Hermione and Harry we're going to be there too.

xX Time skip to detention Xx

I was at my first detention, with Fred and George. Snape told us to clean all the cauldrons, no Magic. I was scrubbing one while I heard a huge crash. George yelped and a saw him on the ground. "Georgie, what happened?"
"It fell on my foot!!" He said pointing to a cauldron. Fred walked over and checked it.
"Broken" he announced.
I walked over and picked him up to bring him to the infirmary. I brought him in, and Mrs. Pomfery made me wait outside.

Draco walked by and saw me. He panicked and ran over to me. "Are you okay (Y/N)!?" He asked caring for me.
"Yeah I'm okay. George broke his foot."
He calmed down and sat next to me. Little did I know Fred was listening to us.
"Just be careful. Okay? I don't want you getting hurt." He said.
I nodded. He was now playing with my hair.
"Well, bye (Y/N)."
"Good bye Draco."
He brushed my hair back behind my ear and walked away. As soon as Draco was out of sight, Fred came out.
"Oooh, so you and Draco." He said very seriously.
"What!!?? No!" I yelled.

xX Time skip to night Xx

We we're in the common room, and I was forced to play truth or dare. After the train incident, I only pick truth. Fred went first, "George, Truth or Dare?"
He answered,
"I dare you to do a flip."
George tried and nearly broke his neck, luckily I caught him.

~~ George POV ~~

I picked (Y/N).
"Truth or Dare?"
"Do you have a crush on anyone?"
She nodded. Fred and I started to laugh, but she ignored it and chose Fred.
"Truth or dare."
"Do YOU have a crush on anyone."
He also nodded. (Y/N) and I were laughing so hard.
"George, Truth or Dare."
Fred asked. I knew better than to say truth so I said dare.
"I dare you to start over and say truth."
I grumbled but did it because it was a dare after all.
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" I mumbled yes.
We were all laughing then.

It was time to get in the train to go back to he burrow.
We got on and looked for a compartment. We found one with Mione Ron and Harry. They sat across from us. Mione was reading a book and Ron was falling asleep so we had to be quiet. We were whispering to each other when we noticed Mione fell asleep on Ron's shoulder, and Mione rested her head on his, fast asleep. We all snickered. Fred grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the compartment,
"We will leave those 2 alone."
So now it was Fred, George, and me in he compartment next to theirs.

Fred went to get changed out of his robes, that left me and George alone.
"Georgie, what do you think Fred will want for Christmas?"
He chuckled and answered,
"Well, he likes quidditch, or candy, or anything from Zonkos."
I nodded thanks, because Fred was walking in.

Then George left and I asked Fred about George, and he answered with the same thing. I left to get changed too. I changed into a (F/C) T-shirt, and skinny jeans. I walked back in saw that they wear wearing and green t-shirt and jeans.

For no apparent reason Fred and George sat next to each other, leaving me with two seats to lay down on. I fell asleep, and woke up, refusing to stand. So, Fred picked me up and put me in my luggage cart, and pushed me to their cart when the train stopped. "It's so nice to see you again, deary!" Mrs. Weasly said hugging me.

We got to the burrow and we sorted out our places to sleep.
"We can only fit 2 in Ginny's room. Hermione will stay in there. Harry can stay in Ron's room. Percy, Bill, and Charlie so she can't stay in there. We do have an extra bed in the twins room. (Y/N),
Would you be ok with staying in the twins room... They won't bother you, I will make sure if that."
"Yeah, that's ok."
"Alright, Fred, George, please show her to her room."
They led me upstairs to a semi large room and showed me the bed I would be staying on.
"This is gonna be so fun!! Let's go out side!"
George grabbed my arm and dragged me out side.

We had a snowball fight. I was teamed with Fred now, George threw one aiming for my face, Fred grabbed my waist and pulled me down. Then George pushed our fort on top of me. The snow melted leave my coat sopping wet. Fred took off his coat and gave held it out to me. "Here, take this. You need it more." I smiled and he put it around my shoulders, bringing me inside for hot cocoa.

George made us all hot cocoa and we sat there sipping it for 30 minutes. It was now around 9 pm. Mrs. Weasly told us to go to bed. We stayed up talking in their room. I was sitting next to George on his bed.
"I'm kinda tired" I said through a yawn. They laughed and tucked me inti my bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

I woke up around 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and walked down stairs, tripping on the last step. Someone caught me and help me to his chest. "You really need to stop talking for me, love" I laughed quietly. He took me to the living room, letting my rest my head on his chest. He was playing with my hair and whispering to me. After a while I feel asleep there. I woke up to Fred saying,
"It's Christmas!! Wake up, wake up!!"
I slowly got up and saw he had made the piles of gifts for each person. My pile was as big as everyone else's. Everyone had opened there's except for me, George, and Fred. Fred went first. He got a lot of candy, a sweater, and a broom from me. Same with George. Then I opened mine. I got candy, a broom, a white and maroon sweater, and two necklaces from George and Fred. I hugged them all saying thanks. One necklace had a pink gem. It was glowing and I said love stone. Then other on was pink, but wasn't glowing.

Fred said I was reading to much. I put my hand on my chest and gasped, pretending to be offended. George took my book and ran all around the burrow to our room. Then threw it to Fred. Fred Is taller than me so he held it high above my head. I tried to get it but I wasn't tall enough.
"I will give it to you if you kiss me." He said smuggly.
I got on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. He threw it to George.
"But- you said!"
George said,
"Me too." I pecked him on the cheek too.
I said sarcastically. In unison they said,

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