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Benji pouts from his perch on a too tall bar stool, clanging the ice in his cup against each other with one hand and supporting his head with the other. The club is just as smoky and dark as he remembered, and usually he would be in his element.

However, tonight Benji is looking for a tall boy with curly red hair and amazing vocal skills, and that boy is nowhere to be found. Benji rolls a whiskey glazed ice cube around his mouth, scans the masses again. The shady corner he's found allows him to watch without being seen, a thing he quite enjoys.

Resignedly, Benji thunks his glass back onto the bar. No point. Might as well find someone to sleep with. He looks at a busty brunette somewhere farther along the bar, sighs. Still not Jude, but she'll do.

He begins to approach her, halts when a large palm flattens on his shoulder. "Hey!"

Jude glows, a goofy smile on his lips, hair tugged tight into a poofy ponytail. He's dressed in a graphic t-shirt and a slightly too short hoodie, and Benji wonders how he manages to pull it off so well.

"I was looking for you, last night," Jude yells over the rest of the noise in the room. "You weren't around. A real shame, Benji Carter." Here, a pout, and a tilting of Jude's head.

Benji resists the urge to pat Jude's head. "I had other things to do. 'M free tonight, though."

"Hm." Jude steals one of Benji's ice cubes, lets it melt over his tongue while he thinks. "Well, maybe you can tag along with me. How old are you?"

"Twenty-one," Benji lies. Truly, he's only nineteen, but his fake id has been doing wonders for two years, and he isn't messing it up by being a loudmouth.

"Huh." Jude gives Benji a knowing once over, smiles. "I dunno about that, Carter. You're a seasoned drinker, sure, but I don't know about you being quite legal."

"Oh?" Benji slams down his drink, realizes that it is still mainly ice, and pretends that the frozen water at the back of his throat doesn't bother him. "Why? What's it to you, anyhow?"

Jude shrugs, his dopey smile returning. "Well, you know. I'm not into getting in trouble with minors. Nothing personal." He leaves a twenty on the bar, presumably for Benji's drink, and moves away. "I'll see you around. Have a good night."

Benji looks around the bar, mildly confused. "Wait, what? Are you kidding?"

Jude pivots, one eyebrow raised. "No? I told you, if I'm not positive you can handle yourself, you aren't coming. So, Carter, you're not coming."

"I'm perfectly capable of handling anything you can dish out." Benji pushes himself off of his stool, strolling close enough to trail his fingertips along Jude's chest. "You think you're so tough," he purrs, letting his hand slip lower down towards Jude's waist, "But I think you ought to watch yourself, Manning." With this, Benji tugs the man closer by his belt buckle. Jude, trying to look unaffected, gasps through his nose. The shorter boy smirks. "Take me with you," he whispers.

Jude opens his mouth to say no, pauses. "Oh, no. No, no. I'll admit, the teasing was fair play. But not the puss in boots eyes." Benji presses himself closer, and his eyes are just so big and begging and blue...

Four minutes later, Benji is curled up in the passenger seat of Jude's Jeep, looking smug, and Jude has very little recollection of how it happened.

"Well, this is awkward." He looks at the rear view mirror, rolls evenly out of his parking spot. "I don't have anything that crazy going on. I was just gonna smoke some weed and cuddle with my dog."

Benji snickers, hand over his mouth. "You were gonna blow me and some potential bomb sex off for your dog?"

Jude nods, shrugging. "I mean. High cuddling with my number one is almost always better than stranger sex. There wasn't really much competition, honestly."

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