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Warning: very brief mention of drinking and driving, right at the end of the chapter

Jude greets Benji at the door with a bowl of macaroni in one hand and the other holding Rudy back from it. "Take this before Rudy rips me apart." Benji takes it with a smirk, and Rudy backs down, looking at the new guest with what can only be described as a pout. "Good boy," Jude nods. Benji isn't sure which one of them he's talking to, blushes all the same.

"N-no problem." He follows Jude into the apartment. He's barefoot, in a pair of sweats and a shirt that can only be described as a crop top. "Fun day?"

"I've been wearing pajamas and eating mac and cheese all day, so, not bad at all. You smell like coffee- hot date?" The taller boy raises an eyebrow, hair turning a few seconds after his head.

Benji's brow furrows. How had he known? His words come out molasses slow, trying a little too hard not to seem anxious. "No, just coffee... Why?"

"I," Jude starts, hooking one thumb into Benji's belt loop as if it's natural, "am growing quite attached to you, and I sort of want you all to myself."

A boyish smirk is shot at Benji, who ricochets it right back. "Cute," is all he says before sashaying past Jude with an extra flick of his hips. "Keep in mind who made the first move here, sweets."

Jude gapes, jaw flapping open and closed, clearly stunned. "W-what? I picked your horny ass up in that bar, remember? I made the first move." He's pouting as he speaks, a little childish. He doesn't like being out of control.

"Uh huh, sure." Benji is lounging on the sofa when Jude comes in, spooning macaroni into his mouth. "You keep telling yourself that."

Mindlessly, pink cheeked, Jude mumbles, "Don't talk with your mouth full. Gross." His voice is too soft for him to really mean it. "You're horrible. At least take your shoes off first."

Benji toes his sneakers off, lets them fall onto the floor. "So. What do you wanna do?"

Jude shrugs, stretches so that his shirt rides up to reveal his abdomen. Damn. "I dunno. We can watch a movie?" Jude watches the boy try not to watch him, smirks.

Benji tries not to drool. "Y-yeah, sounds good." He fixes his gaze on the carpet. "Any in mind?"

"Hm." Jude strolls over to the couch, lip caught between his teeth. "No. But we could do something else?"

Holy shit, he wants to mess around, Benji screams silently. Then, upon realizing how much he wants this, how fast his heart is pounding, how nervous his heartbeat is, I haven't had sex in a month. What the fuck.

"Okay," Benji agrees, voice shaky with either nerves, or lust, or maybe both. "That sounds good." He scoots back to allow Jude space to sit. "What do you wanna do?" Jude flops onto the couch, head tilted back just enough that he looks relaxed. He slowly reaches over, brushes a touch of stomach skin Benji hadn't realized he'd been showing. A shiver rakes through one of them, maybe both of them; Benji isn't sure.

Jude leans forward and catches the boy's mouth with his. Benji leans into the kiss, eyes shut tight, fingers gripping the couch like he might fly off at any moment. "Let's just do this?" Jude phrases it almost hesitantly, like he's never asked for a kiss before. It occurs to Benji that maybe he hasn't.

"Okay. Any hard limits?" Benji scoots so that he's almost in Jude's lap, and the man's hair brushes against his neck, tickling the skin there.

"Pants stay on." Jude breaks the sentence with another kiss. "I think that's all."

Benji smiles, nuzzling the crook of Jude's neck. "Okay. Keep me posted." Then, before Jude can reply, the two of them are lost in one another's mouths, and everywhere is floating, silent except for their quiet fumbling noises.


Benji presses his lips to Jude's bare chest, just below his collarbone. Jude is liberally sprinkled with freckles, and Benji feels like a star laying among them. The denim of their jeans presses into each other, almost gluing them together.

"I'm sorry," Jude murmurs. His face is partially hidden by Benji's hair, the other half bathed in setting sunlight. "This really was supposed to be a movie night. I let my hormones get the best of me."

Benji's face is almost totally in shadow when he sits up and away. Jude panics for a moment, unable to read his expression. "No, that's okay. It was amazing. We can do movie night another night."

Sighing, relief floating into the air, Jude nods. "Yeah? Maybe... I think I'm off on Thursday, if that works?"

Benji shrugs, noncommittal. "I don't think I'm doing anything Thursday, no. Should be fine." His heel tap dances on the floor, nervous knees bouncing. The pendant on his neck gets a comforting touch. "I, uh. I gotta go."

He shouldn't have stayed so long, he knows. He shouldn't have painted how much he likes being with Jude onto the mouth of the first and only boy to feel him up in weeks. He shouldn't have let himself want so much, take so much.

He's already put his shoes on by the time Jude responds. "Oh, okay? Are you alright?"

"'M fine," Benji says, finally turning into the sun. But, its rays are shallow, and his smirk is dark and grim. "I'll see you around."

He shuts the front door behind him, stepping over a snoring Rudy on the way out. His hand is on the doorknob when a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist; honey heat drifts around his nose, into his mouth. Warmth sifts into the dip between his shoulder and his neck. "I'll see you Thursday, Carter." A wet kiss, followed by a sharp nip, and Benji is released.

He stands as still as he can for a few moments, trying to collect himself. Soft footsteps pad away behind him, and Benji curses himself for smiling at the sound. He frowns at the sudden urge to run back and dive into Jude's bed, frowns more at the thought of maybe popping over to Tate's for a late night snack.

No more being a lovesick wuss. It's time for the real Benji to make a comeback.

Benji slams his car door shut, grabs the flask he stores underneath his seat, and holds it between his thighs. Driving through a neighborhood at fifty miles an hour while unscrewing a flask of vodka is a great way to get the blood pumping. A harsh swig and several blind turns later, Benji knows just where he needs to go.

A black asphalt glitters wetly in the neon lights of Benji's destination. It crackles when his tires roll over it, bass vibrating the rubber. He slams back another mouthful of booze.

A little gay clubbing may be just what he needs. Time to get back on his game.

Sorry for the wait!! Here it is, though! I hope you're liking it so far :)

QOTC: What would you say is Benji's hubris/fatal flaw?

I love y'all! Next chapter before Christmas (hopefully).

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