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Benji sneaks into his house, slipping through the door with little more than the husky whisper of his jeans against the doorframe. The door clicks shut, and a light flicks on in the kitchen.

"Oh, damn," Benji mumbles. His twin brother, Beau, sits, wrapped in a robe and scowling, with a steaming cup of something or other likely meant to calm his nerves. "Hi, Beau," Benji smiles, piling on the sugar.

Beau doesn't fall for it for a second. "You just came in?" He stirs his drink, twice clockwise, once counterclockwise. "Where were you? I was... Worried." Beau shivers theatrically, like the sentiment disgusts him.

Benji rolls his eyes, smiling easily. Dumping his keys on the counter, he says, "I went out. You knew that. You're sitting in the dark drinking tea?"

"Never mind that." Beau flaps his hand, a mother hen scolding her child. "You worried Mom sick, being out so late. And I waited up for you."

"Well I... You know." Benji smirks pointedly, shrugging. "It just happened. I snuck out as soon as I could."

Beau's face slowly eases into a dawning understanding, and then a sudden grimace. "Ew. You're gonna catch something, you know, sleeping around like that." Benji fires a fake punch at Beau.

"You're gonna catch these hands if you don't shut up."

"Benji... Tell me you at least left her a note." His leg begins to jiggle under the table, and he takes a pensive, three second long sip of tea.

"Um... No?" Beau shrugs. "Couldn't remember her name. Didn't want to be there when she woke up."

"Oh, you... You're a real asshole, know that?" Beau heaves a weary sigh, shakes his head. As he rises to put his now empty mug in the sink, he adds, "You know, people who toy with people's hearts end up sad and alone."

Benji smirks, spreading his hands in an innocent motion. "Hey. Don't hate the player, hate the game."

"Unless the player is a fuckboy." Beau focuses on positioning the mug in the correct place.

"Oh, shut up. I don't see you getting any."

Beau rolls his eyes so hard that Benji is surprised they don't fall on the floor. "Ha, alright. Talk to me in two years when I'm engaged and you have end stage gonorrhea." He sweeps out of his chair, shaking his head.

Before Benji can respond, Beau is halfway up the stairs. A sigh. The empty kitchen walls seem to lean against one another drowsily in the twilight silence.

"I guess I'll make myself some coffee," Benji announces to no one. He kicks his shoes off and lets them sit lopsided in the middle of the floor- Beau would've had a fit if he'd done it earlier. The coffee is in a cabinet, sitting on a shelf a breath above Benji's fingertips, even on his toes. He has to climb onto the counter to reach it, yet another thing Beau would have a fit about.

Whistling to fill the invasive quiet in the room, Benji feeds the coffee grinds to the machine, clicks the little red button on the side. He picks a yellow mug to wait with; it might project a little sunshine, he hopes.

Eventually, Benji's lips go dry, and his whistles die off. The coffee pot goes on making soft brewing noises, and it only serves to make the kitchen feel more isolated. Somewhere in the backyard, a raccoon scurries up a tree, startled by some innocent nighttime noise.

Just as Benji thinks about going for a walk, the coffee maker beeps harshly. He obeys its call and fills his cup almost to the brim. Benji decides to drink it black. He pads into the living room, reclines in his favorite of the two armchairs, and spins the charm on his necklace.

Beau was right. He really should have left a note.

Sinking further into self loathing, Benji slurps at his coffee. It's too hot, burns every surface inside of his mouth. He manages to flinch hard enough that steaming coffee spills over his thighs.

"Shit," Benji hisses, again to no one. He strips out of his pants almost as quickly as he had upon arriving at the woman's house earlier that evening. Wind rattles the loose window on the north facing wall, and Benji scowls at it.

Deciding he's done with the day, Benji snatches up his coffee crusted jeans and stomps towards the stairs. The steam from the tiny bit of coffee remaining in his cup spins Jude's name out of water vapor. Benji closes his eyes. He allows himself to relive the performance for a moment, just a heartbeat.

Then, he chugs the rest of the mug down in one gulp, resolving not to think about Jude or his siren call anymore.

"Boys are nothing but trouble," Benji says to himself, just before entering his room. He repeats this to himself all the time he lay in bed, tossing and turning.

Rebelliously, his dreams are woven from Jude and smoke-filled bars. Benji wakes up with his name on his lips. For the rest of the day, he lets himself pretend he didn't.

Brotherly bants, my favorite stuff. Also, no worries, we'll get into the romance soon enough. There's a scene to set first :)

QOTC: What is lacking in Benji's life? Why hasn't he pursued it yet?

Thank you so so much for reading! Vote/Comment if you want! If you spot a grammar/spelling mistake, please point it out ^^

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