24; real

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I laid on my bed while I scrolled through instagram. Everyone was posting about tonight's party at Bryce's house. The girls had begged me to come but I didn't fell up to it.

It was around seven when I heard the door from downstairs open. "Brianna, get dressed! We're going over to the Atkins' house for dinner."

A small smile made its way to my face along with confusion as to why Jeff wasn't going to the party. I quickly changed into decent clothes before going downstairs and waiting for my mother to change out of her work clothes.

She quickly came down the stairs with clothes that didn't look too formal but did it's job. "Come on now. I haven't eaten since my lunch break."

We walk out into the chilly evening together as we made our way to the next door house. Once we got there, my mom knocked on the door lightly. While we waited she decided to make small talk, without being subtle.

"So, are you dating the Foley boy who's been visiting lately?"


Before I could say anything, the door opened revealing Mrs.Atkins in a simple light colored dress and flats. "Oh! It's great to see you two! Come in, please." She stepped aside so we could enter. "Boys, come and greet our guests!"

Footsteps were heard coming from the staircase before Jeff and Mr.Atkins showed up in the living room as well.

Mr.Atkins put on a friendly smile as he hugged my mom and I. "Thank you for joining us at this last minute dinner." The side of his eyes crinkled a bit as he laughed softly.

"Oh it's no problem. I was actually planning to just order a pizza and call it a night." Mom responded with a chuckle.

Jeff hugged my mother quickly then moved on to my hug. This hug was a little tighter than my mom's hug but I enjoyed it anyways.

"Well, the food is almost ready so I'll call everyone over when it is ready."

I shook my head at Mrs.Atkins. "Do you need help setting up the table?"

"I'll help." Jeff spoke up before going to the kitchen while I followed. "You look pretty." He smiled at me as he went around the kitchen gathering up utensils.

A small smile grew from the compliment,"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Together we helped set up the table so everyone could eat. Once we were done, Jeff and I went outside to his backyard since it was fresh outside.

"So you didn't go to Bryce's party. How come?" My curiosity got a hold of me as I asked the question.

Jeff simply shrugged,"Don't know. I guess I just wasn't feeling it. What about you?"

"Didn't feel like going out." I shook my head, leaning back into the cushions of the seat that we sat on.

"What? You didn't want to be in a crowded house with sweaty and hormonal teenagers while the smell of alcohol floats in the air? Weird, I love that experience." He said sarcastically with a small smile that showed his perfect teeth.

I laughed softly at his comment before shrugging a bit,"I also didn't want to see Zach."

"Ah. The jerk that cheated on you." Jeff nodded his head slowly, reminded of last week's events.

"That guy exactly." I mumbled under my breath trying to keep a smile on my face.

Jeff shook his head turning to me,"I don't see it."

"See what?"

"Why-how he could cheat on a girl like you." The blue eyed boy responded without hesitation.

I shrugged,"Guess he just got bored."

Once again, he showed that he disagreed. "No. With a girl like you, no one is ever going to get bored. You're an amazing girl, Brianna. Don't make yourself think other wise. You're funny, sweet, caring...spontaneous." A small smile made its way to his lips seeing how he used one of the words that Clay had taught him."See? Even your smile is beautiful. Don't think that it isn't."

I was going to respond to him, but I never got the chance to since our parents called us inside. The moment was over, yet I'm not sure why I couldn't stop smiling.

My seat was right across from Jeff's at the dining table. We all sat and ate, making small conversation here and there. It wasn't until they brought up a certain topic that I was really interested.

"So Jeff, do you have someone special in your life?" My mom asked with a small smirk playing on her face.

Jeff chuckled at my apologetic expression towards him but smiled nonetheless. "Uhm. I can think of one..I guess. Yeah." He responded a bit flustered.

Mom's smirk got wider as her curiosity grew. "Ooh! See, Brianna has been hanging out with a boy lately. Jackson Phoebe?"

Jeff and I, both, almost choked on our food hearing the name but chuckled it off. "You mean Justin Foley?"

"Oh he has a brother? Wonderful. We can hook Madeline up as well." She smiled as if she just planned our whole futures.

"Yeah. Well they do have chemistry together." Jeff smiled widely and sent a wink towards me when I realized that he meant the actual class.

My mom smiled widely,"I knew it! Even Jeff admits it. And he's a handsome young boy that should be sweeping every girl off their feet." Her eye seemed to twitch at Jeff, then I noticed it wasn't a twitch but a wink.

I gulped my food down abruptly, trying not to choke before drinking my drink to down the food. "Ookay, mom. I think it's time for us to go."

"But we still have dessert." Mom argued, not wanting to go home just yet.

"No, they still have dessert. We are going home." I stood up from my seat to go. "Thank you, Mr. And Mrs. Atkins for the dinner. It was truly amazing."

"No problem, hon. You two are welcomed any time!" Mrs.Atkins smiled widely at me before standing up to give a hug to the both of us.

Before going outside, my mom backed up slowly. "I have to use the restroom. You get home, I'll be there in a few."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly nodded. "Can you take Brianna home to make sure she gets there safe, mijo?"

"Yeah. Of course, ma." Jeff smiled sweetly towards his mother as he put on his jacket and opened the door for me.

I slipped out of the house and we walked together slowly back to my house. "Well, that was some dinner."

"Sure was." Jeff chuckled a bit with a shake of his head.

Since my house was right next door, it didn't take long for us to get there. Once we were right outside my door, I turned to him.

"When you said you have someone special in your life-"

"I meant you, Brianna." His voice cut me off, I looked up at him seeing that he was staring at me too.

"Jeff, I-" I wasn't able to get any other words out again, before I felt a pair of soft lips on mine.

I knew that I shouldn't have, but I kissed back.

I would apologize for not updating but that just doesn't cut it anymore. I'm a bitch, I know. I'm sorry and I love you if you are still reading this book, honestly.

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