Chapter 3 (Rewritten)

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After ten hours and twenty minutes with one stop, I finally made it to Londan, England.
It was quite fascinating, the plane ride, what I saw of it at least. Honestly it was kinda scary but it was so amazing to be so high up in the sky. I shivered at the thought of it again.

I excited the plane and into the airport. I only had a carry-on bag of toiletries to I didn't need to go and collect anything.

So I walked around the front area not sure what to do and there were so many people and it scared me. I had never been around so many people before, just Mamma and Papa. And I wasn't allowed to go to yhe farmers market with them so all of this was very scary.

I decided to sit on one of the chairs. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm in this new enviorment. I had been sitting for a little bit when someone tapped my shoulder. I turn to see a man in a suit. I shy away but his expression softens.

"Hello, are you Maria Taylor?" "Yes, that is me." I reply "I'm Paul. I was told to escort you to the Mall. Where you will meet Lu-I mean Mrs.Styles. And she will help buy new clothes." He said.

"Oh, alright. Lead the way." I say softly. Then we walked to a nice black car. I don't know anything about cars except simplw things like what a truck was. But that was about it. Oh well, I'll just have to figure it out later.

Paul opened the door and I got in. I thanked him bedore he closed it and got into the drivers seat. Then he starts to drive away from the airport.

As we drive Paul asked me some questions, and I answered. I was happy that we could make comfortable small talk.

Soon we settle into a comfortable silence. I thought I would fall asleep due to jet lag, back home it would be night. But I forced myself to stay awake.

And I was glad I did because shortly after we had finally arrived at the mall. Paul stoped the car then got the door for me. I thanked him with a kind smile just before beautiful lady with long brown hair approached us.

She looked normal but had on dark glasses and a floppy looking hat.

"Ello dear." She said sweetly.

"Hi" I replied shyly. "This is Mrs.Styles." Paul introduced us.

"But you can just call me Anne." She told me. "Now, how would you like to go shopping?" "I would love to, I've never done it before." I blushed with embarrassment.

"Well I'll help you, it should be fun." She said the wrapped her arn around my shoulder. "Just stay close." She said. I nod and let her lead me inside.

After about two hours I had enough clothes, shoes, makeup, and jewelry to last....well forever. She also bought me a phone called iPhone X. I don't know how to use it exactly but maybe my fianće will teach me. I got sad everytime I thought about that title, fiance, it still stung that my father practically sold me. All I could hope was for him to be as nice as his mom.

Once we were done Paul took us to Anne's house to get me ready. While we drove I noticed that the big buildings of the city were slowly fading away and we were surrounded by a wooded area. We drove for a few more minutes before turning off the main road and onto a gravel road. We stopped in front a big gate golden gate. There were to muscular guards along with two large wolves.

As we pulled up the guard nodded and opened the gate. No one had even spoke, but they complied...weird, maybe they knew it was us because of the license plate. I just shrugged it off. Then we drove some on and soon the gravel road became paved again.

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