chapter 26 : surprise

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Numerous thoughts ran through my head. How I had randomly come up with this plan yesterday and now it's becoming a massive reality. I braced myself for the near future, I prayed that Jake would be happy. Nobody knew apart from Tessa, I didn't trust anyone else. When people say "I have a big surprise for you" it's usually not actually really big. But this this was HUGE and my mind went into a frenzy when ever I thought about it.

I asked jake to get dressed for a date as I would give him the surprise. I had brought a light floral skirt, with a white top which let you see a glimpse of my stomach.

I straightened my hair and applied a small amount of makeup

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I straightened my hair and applied a small amount of makeup. Once happy with my look I grabbed my vlog camera and began to film a quick segment.


So Alissa was giving me her so called "surprise" tonight. Don't get me wrong I was super excited but also a nervous reck. I had no idea what it was and wether it would post pone my plans on telling Alissa the truth. I put on a pair of jeans slightly ripped at the knee, then added a team 10 shirt and a leather jacket. Nice and casual look I was going for. I picked up my camera and ran down the stairs of the team 10 house

"Yo squad, where you at!" I yelled.

I felt someone shock my waist and turned around to see Lucas smiling.

"You exited bro?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I said enthusiastically. Little did he know I was a complete reck inside. Every part of my body dreaded what was to come.

"Well I have to take you to some "special spot" so leggo!" He said before yelling "MARCUS C'MON"

I just smiled and tried to act casual. I was an actor so this was going to be a piece of cake. I sat in the front seat aside Lucas. I felt like I could throw up. My stomach was churning around as butterflies danced through my body.

I had no idea what was coming.


I made it to the spot to see jake sitting on the red mat alone. In front of him lay his vlog camera. Lucas and Marcus were nowhere to be seen. "How long have you been here?" I asked. He turned around at the sound of my voice his jaw dropping. I laughed before he spoke. "Uh like 20 minutes, Lucas and Marcus dropped me off." He then jumped up and hugged me before I placed my lips against his. He smiled but I could tell there was something wrong with him. He seemed off.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Oh ah, it's nothing don't worry" He replied.

"You sure you're good" I asked.

"Yea, just nervous" He smiled before sitting down

I grabbed the picnic basket from the bush making sure that the hidden camera was still there. Jakes face widened as he saw me pull out some of his favourite foods ever. We both ate side by side his hand on my knee.

I had missed him so much lately

Hopefully after today some of that would change. As we ate we spoke about many things, how bizzardvark was doing, dreams and ambitions and our future together.

"I'm cold" I shuddered as he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I kissed his lips passionately and held his hands in mine. We ran down the hill to where I had a bunch of blankets lying on the ground.

I let myself sink into his arms as we watched birds fly by the sun slowly starting to set.

I knew it was time.


I held her hand as her head relaxed against my chest. It was moments like these when I regret everything I ever did with Jess. Everything with Jess was a big mistake. How could I give a future like this up to be with someone who only brought me down.

"You ready for your surprise?" She asked me.

"Okay" I said, my chest starting to tighten.

She grabbed my hand beginning to pull me up the hill. It couldn't be that bad, could it? A few meters felt like forever until we finally reached the top, she ran to the basket she had grabbed the food from earlier and started digging around.

"Go over there" She told me, pointing to the top or the hill. I obeyed smiling as the palms of my hands began to become clammy. She then slipped something into her pocket before walking over to me. It was then she said something that left me frozen.

"Jake we've been dating for a little while now and all I can say is I love you more than anything in this world. From the day we met to now we've made so many memories good and bad. We've grown together hand in hand and all I want is to watch our children grow with you. Jake, words can't explain the love I have for you. I used to be this insecure girl who couldn't trust anyone yet you've brung me to this happy cheerful girl who's following her dreams with the best man by her side. Without you I could literally be dead. My last boyfriend brought me to a stage where I thought love wasn't real where I thought every boy in this world was just a out to make me feel horrible about myself. But Jake you've showed me that there is true love you just have to wait for it and that there is such thing as someone who can be committed to one person. Jake you are my world. You light up my dark sky, and you're there for me when I need you the most so... even though this isn't normal and it should be the other way round and stuff" She paused and got down on her knee pulling the box from her pocket. "Jake Joseph Paul, will you Marry me?"







~sophie ❤️❤️

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