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A number of thoughts were colliding in my mind. I should talk to Aleyaan maybe.Not Maybe, Ofcourse I should. But Aleyaan was in school right now.Maybe I should just wait for him.No!I can't he's often late.I should go to his school may be.Yes i should!.But I can't go in my pyjamas, can I?

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went towards my mirror. My long brown hair were a great mess and my Light grey eyes had light bags hanging underneath them. Whatever!

I opened my closet. I grabbed a pair of black pants, a red plaid shirt and my black short coat. I got into my pants and plaid shirt. I managed my hair in a loose braid. I didn't apply makeup. I wore my shoes, coat, got my bag and I left my room. I walked through the living room, and went out of the door. To my bad luck, aunt was outside watering the plants. She looked at me.

"Where are you going Zeenia?" she asked in her usual rude tone.

"Aunt I'm going to Sarah's place" I lied. Sarah was my freind and Aunt knew her.

She kept quiet for a minute. I desperately waited for her reply.

"Okay but be back at time" she finally spoke.

"okay. I'll be back after two hours"  I told her. I got in the car, started it and left.

I arrived outside his School. I got out of the car and locked it. I walked in towards the corridor.  The corridor was so busy.It was full of chattering noises. I looked around but I couldn't spot that stupid boy. Finally I saw Anum.

"Anum!" I shouted through the loud noises. She didn't here. She was way too busy talking to her freinds.

"Anum! Anum!" i shouted again.

Finally she looked at me. She waved at me and came to me.

"Hi Zeenia. Why are you here?" she said in her extremely high pitched voice.

"Hey Anum. Where is Aleyaan? Actually I need to talk to him" I told her with a fake smile .

"Okay. Wait I'll tell him you are here. Stay here , just dont go any where." she said. I simply nodded. She left and disappeared in the crowd of students.

After about 3 to 4 minutes, Aleyaan was here.

"What is it? What are you here for? Is their something serious?" Aleyaan threw a number of questions at me.

"C'mon slow down. Actually...Zayn invited me to his place" I tell him.

"Lier" he said.

"I swear.Wait....look at this" I told him showing  Zayn's text message in which he had sent me his adress.

"Wow Zeenia. Can i go with you?" he asked .

"No, he has only invited me. Actually I'm worried as to what am I gonna tell aunt?"

"Oh so thats the problem.Okay, don't worry, tell mom that you're at Anum's place. Anum will call Mom" he told me.

"Perfect"I said and hugged him.

He smiled.

"Okay I got to go, I have a class. See you and don't worry Anum will call Mum" he said.

"Okay bye"I said and he left.

I went out of the School to my car. I got in. I decided to get something to wear today. I went to the shopping mall. I had some money enough to buy a nice dress. I went in the mall. Now this was something I was really not good at. I wasn't very fond of shopping unlike other girls. I entered the first shop. There was nothing that really attracted me. I went to the other one. I went through the clothes on the rack. A dress caught my attention. It was a black dress with golden studs on the edges. It was beautiful. I looked at the price tag, It was very expensive. I decided to look for another one. I went to other shop. As I entered the shop,I saw a dress. It was displayed on a dummy. It was beautiful.This one was also black, but It was made of chiffon and was quater sleeved. I loved it.I checked the price tag and It was in my range. I was happy. I picked it up and tried it on. It perfectly fitted me. I changed back into my own clothes and got in the line infront of the counter. I stood at the fourth number.

i am the only one for u (zayn malik)Where stories live. Discover now