Prologue: Dim Lights

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"So.. rry... fo.. le... eavin... --.. -..."

"Do- don't say that!! P- please!! I- i can't deal with losing you!!"

"..lo... ove.. ou..."

"No..! No..! No!no!no!nononono!! You can't-!!! don't leave me!!! MAHIRU!!!"


Many years later...

The city lights looked beautiful as people chattered along the sidewalk, even when it's almost midnight, humans didn't seem to have an off button. In one of the city most tallest building where it was supposed to be empty were a few people, one of these people were two men residing in an office, one looked to be middle-aged and the other a teen

"they want protection, and have asked if one of your sibling's subclass might be of service" the blue haired teen stayed silent, sitting on the chair with his legs raised and his eyes covered by his hair

The room was dark, and the outside lights weren't helping. Inside the room was a man sitted infront of a desk with papers in his hands, and infront of him were two chairs, one of them occupied by the blue haired teen "..why?" he asked, his voice deep and somewhat tired

The man cleared his throat before speaking "well, Sleepy Ash, their daughter seems to have been targeted by someone lately, speaking of, they want to speak you tomorrow abo-"

"No" Sleepy Ash answered, his voice angered and leave no room to argue. The man looked up at him slightly surprised, but then flinched when he saw a pair of animalistic red eyes staring back at him "not tomorrow.." he showed his fangs, reminding the man that he was dealing with a vampire

The man sighed before nodding, giving the vampire a look of pity "farewell.. i will inform them, it is getting rather late, i do hope your siblings don't mind" the man chuckled lightly, trying to lift up the tense atmosphere he created "you may take your leave now.."

Sleepy ash nodded, standing up and walking out the door that was left open. He stopped at the familiar hallway and heaved a sigh, looking up at the clock at the wall he saw that it was almost midnight, ah, wrath will surely kill him for being this late

He walked down the hallway silently thinking to himself, he remembered years ago when vampires were treated as monsters and was feared, he remembered how humans practically called out an all out war on the vampire race without hearing their part of the story

Vampires were supposed to be myth, just some legends, but the battle with Tsubaki had reach the media, and no matter how hard the tried, they couldn't erase the memory of the whole city

Some vampires, well.. some subclasses who were the considered traitors had fought with the humans, creating a huge massacre. The servamps were horrified when they found out about it, then two years of staying in the shadows and watching as the war against two races they decided it was finnaly time to co-exist with the humans

Granted it had seemed like a suicide mission at first, but turns out the humans had had enough bloodshed and were willing to co-operate with the leaders of the vampires

Sleepy ash though back to that time of the treaty, he thought of how many times he tried to just procrastinate the event, he thought of how well things were going, he though of-

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