11 •• Memory? ••

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some   m e m or i es are better off buried



and left, just as it should be


ash stared down on the floor before shrugging "it... always have been green, he just wears coloured contacts"

"why though?"

".....ugh.. too troublesome... i could just die"

the brunette gave the vampire an annoyed glare as his lips pulled up in a sarcastic smile "i'm beginning to think that's your catchphrase.." though, it is weird that he dodged the question "...you're a complete mystery, you know that?"

"hah?" ash sighed as he closed his eyes "is that so? what makes you say that"

"because you dodge every question i gave you so far!! not only that.. all i really know about you are the publics opinion about you...."

"really? then did they say how cute my cat form was?"

"no one even knows you do that..." sayaka says before mumbling "i just wish you would be more open..." which didn't go unheard by the servamp

please talk to me, you can trust me! kuro!

"...he hates it"

sayaka looks up, face turned even more confused "what?"

"taiyo hates how he looks--- or more specifically he hates how his eyes looks" ash repeated himself, rubbing the back of his neck as he says it "the answer as to why he hates it's... uh.. a little bit... complicated you could say"

that seems common in his life nowadays, as much as he loves doing things simply, complicated things always makes its way into his life "is it private..?" sayaka asked, he was curious, yes, but if the situation was private then he should atleast respect that

"ah... not really.. i mean... at the time it was a big deal, but, it kinda died down and people just sorta forgot about it"

"...does it have anything to do with the two rouges?"

ash paused, his eyes narrowed deep in thought "i guess.... ah can't deal~! all i can say is it's done and left in the past"

"what's left in the past?" both ash and sayaka nearly jumped at the voice. relaxing when they realized it was only the--new--pride pair

"kyo! it's just you... geez, don't surprised us like that" sayaka then raised an eyebrow in confusion when he saw the servamp of pride sitting on the blonde's shoulder with his head laying untop of his, asleep "you got used to  fast..."

kyoriku nodded "yea, he's actually pretty easy to deal with since he acts like the kids i sometimes babysit"

"kyo-chan... saying it like that seems a bit harsh..."

"hm? really? sorry, then should i just say he acts like a kid?"

"no, no that's still the same thing...!"

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