8 •• The Dream Between Us ••

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sayaka opened his eyes

everything was dark and black, nothing was here except for him. in all the darkness it seem like he was the only thing shining bright "huh... what happened..." he mumbled, looking around "ah right... me and ash got home and then....." he can't seem to remember anything else pass coming inside his house with the vampire, did he pass out?

" you're actually here.... "

sayaka jumped and yelled out in surprised. he quickly turned his head towards where the voice came from and was surprised when he saw a mirror, and a reflection of himself... only his reflection didn't mirror his surprise, his reflection was smiling happily and his eyes were.. brown...

" i.. i can't believe it!! you're here!! and.. and you can see me!!" his reflection cheered happily, still paying no mind to sayaka who looked shocked "w- what are you..." sayaka asked

his question made the reflection stop cheering, his brown eyes widen and then he smiled kindly again and opened his eyes " I'm ······ " both of them were suprised when they heard static, making it so he was unable to hear what his reflection said

his reflection deflated, his shoulder slumped and his smile and eyes turned sad " i.. i should've known i wouldn't be able to... to tell you "

"w- what's going on!? w- where am i!? where's ash-"

" ash? " his reflection immidietly raised his head, his mouth was agape and his eyes were glowing " sleepy ash? " sayaka didn't know why he nodded, actually he does, it was the desperation in his reflection's eyes that made him crack

and once again his reflection seemed to bright up, it was as if he was shining with how brightly he smiled " he's here.. he's still here... he's here.. he's alright... he's alive " tears streamed down from his brown eyes, he looked so happy and so glad as he repeated the same phrase over and over " he's here and now he's got you with him!!"

"h- hey...! are you alright?" sayaka asked worriedly when his reflection fell unto his knees and sobbed aswell as laughed "hey..! why are you crying?" sayaka took a step closer to the glass and pressed his hands against it

his reflection shook his head and looked up, he looked at sayaka with a smile " please.. please take care of him... please.. he is so fragile sometimes you know..." sayaka narrowed his eyes in confusion at his reflection's request "a- alright..." sayaka gave a reassuring smile

then the teen gasp when he saw his hand glowing and started to fade "what's going on!?" his reflection frowned " our time together is... you're waking up.. " he told him " please...!! don't push your memories away " he quickly said " please accept it! "

sayaka looked at him in bewilderment, he didn't understand what he was talking about, but before he could ask, he disappeared completely

the reflection stared at the darkness, he's alone again, but it was alright, after years of trying to reach sayaka he was finally able to, he knew he couldn't tell him anything, but he wished that sayaka will accept it, accept everything

accept him

with a wet laugh he bent forward and wrapped his arms around himself " i miss you... " he whispered, even though knowing the person he directed it to wasn't there to hear it " i miss you so much... i want to see you... please let me see you soon " he pleaded " i love you... "

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