Chapter 9

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I took my time getting ready the next morning, gingerly wrapping bandages around my injured hand. Paul had brought them to me late last night. He said nothing about the camera, but glanced up at the shattered remains of it in the corner with a grim expression. He must have been watching to know that I would need the bandages. I felt guilty, like I had disappointed him.

My leg bounced erratically as I sat on my bed waiting for Rodney and Paul. After yesterday's incident with Chase, Paul had told me that I was to be escorted to and from my room in the mornings and evenings. I gritted my teeth in frustration. My best friend was doors away from me, and I needed to see him, to know that he was okay, or as close to okay as he could possibly be right now.

I got up and jiggled the door handle. Locked. Not a surprise. I looked around for something to jam the lock with, but there was nothing in sight. Of course not. I threw my hands up in frustration.

I started banging on the door with my uninjured fist. I didn't dare shout, for fear that someone would recognize my voice. I pounded the door harder with each passing second, my frustration and anger growing quickly.

After several moments, I heard footsteps outside my door. I stopped pounding, bringing my ear to the metal, and listened intently.

"Jessalyn?" A guy's voice, familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. He must have seen the plaque by my door, read my name. He took a deep breath that sounded through the door. "Jessalyn, are you okay?"

Relief flooded through me. I struggled to find words. "Yes, I'm fine," I managed to croak after a few seconds. I paused, wondering if I should ask for his name, not that it seemed like it would help much. Curiosity won. "Who are you? Can you help me out of here?"My voice came out sounding desperate, but I was past the point of caring.

I could feel him hesitate, and the air around me filled with a strange aura of tension. When he spoke again, his voice was louder, closer to the door.

"Jessalyn, I'm going to let you out, okay? I shouldn't be doing this, especially with the cameras everywhere..." he trailed off. I nodded impatiently, but then realized stupidly that he couldn't see me. I waited in anticipation, my heart thudding in my ears.

After several seconds, I heard a key turn in the lock, and the door opened slowly.

"Thank you so much," I gushed to the stranger as I stumbled outside of my door. I turned around in the hallway, making sure no one else was around to see. "My best friend, he's a couple of doors down, I just need to see him..."

"Chase is here, too?" I froze. Turning slowly to the boy, I gasped as his eyes met mine. Disbelief flooded through me.

"Hey, Jessie," Alex said, smiling timidly.


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