Black Veil Brides

90 11 5

In the end, as you fade into the night
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die
~In The End

With knives and pens we made our plight
and I can't go on without your love
You lost, you never held on
We tried our best
~Knives and pens

Here's to your perfect weapon,
Crack bones with blind aggression,
Like birds whose wings are broken,
You live without direction.
~Perfect Weapon

Dead and gone, what's done is done
You were all I had become
I'm letting go of what I once believed
So goodbye agony
~Goodbye Agony

Spazio autrice
Hellooooo, oggi i BVB :3
Ogni tanto mi piace sottolineare le parti che trovo più significative delle quotes
Però contemporaneamente mi dispiace per le altre parti...quindi non sottolineo sempre.
Ma cosa sto dicendo? Sto seriamente dicendo che mi dispiace per delle parole? Ok si sono pazza.

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