Pierce The Veil

67 10 6

And I said, hey, what's on your mind?
I think about my life without you and I start to cry
And I said, hey, it's alright
We'll make it
I love you and I'll never leave your side

I've been having this dream that we can fly,
So maybe if we never wake up, we can see the sky.
~Bulls In The Bronx

I'm not meant for this world, I just don't see the point
Don't think about it, don't over think about it

And life is a joke
But everything's riding on me tonight
Been counting the stars and scars
How I'm becoming a work of art

In desperate times and desperate measures
I come so close, my hopes are severed by the downside
A million waves in the ocean crash at once to make you smile
~The Divine Zero

If Texas is forever, where's your home sweet home?
If anything should happen to me I want you to know
I've loved you since ever since then
~Texas Is Forever

Spazio autrice

Oggi i PTV! Si ho scritto una parte molto grande di 'the divine zero' ma mi piaceva molto :(
e ancora una cosa...
....Mi scuso per non aver pubblicato per più di un mese,
però vi prometto che d'ora in poi pubblicherò un capitolo al giorno. Detto ciò, byeeeee♡

Songs QuotesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora