Sleeping With Sirens

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They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me
~If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn

She doesn't know she's beautiful
Because no one's ever told her so
And the demons that she has, are all she knows
And maybe she can fall in love with someone in her life that she could trust
And tell her she's enough
(Have someone tell her she's enough?)
~Better Off Dead

Fuck you and your opinion
How could you be so blind?
What goes around
Comes back around in time

You don't know shit
You don't know shit
About me
You don't know shit, shit, shit
Don't know a god damn thing about me
~Kick Me

I met a girl at twenty-three
Knew she meant the world to me
So I gave her everything
And she did the same for me
~If You Can't Hang

Remember when they said that what we want can never be done
Well look who's laughing now
We'll do what we want to
Said we'll do what we want to
Yeah, yeah, yeah
~Do It Now, Remember It Later

We can be wild, we can be free
We can be anything in life we want to be
We can move mountains, we can break walls
We can stand tall enough to fight and never fall
We can be legends after all

Spazio Autrice
So perfettamente che sono le 11 di sera, però HO FATTO IL CAPITOLO PIÙ LUNGO DEL SOLITO.

Ps. È stato difficile scegliere solo alcuni pezzi delle canzoni visto che sono tutte così meravigliose *^*
Ah e un'altra cosa, l'ultima canzone è dell'ultimo album che uscirà a settembre (ASPETTERÒ IMPAZIENTEMENTE L'USCITA DELL'ALBUM)
Detto questo, byeeee

Songs QuotesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora