Highland Grace (Highlands Trilogy) (Book Two) (Ch 16-END)

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Copyright © K.E. Saxon 2008



Several sennights later, on the feast of Saint Brigid, Jesslyn cradled Nora in her arms in the great hall, cooing and speaking to the fiery-headed babe in low, dulcet tones.What a wee imp she was going to be.She was sure to give her father fits, and Jesslyn couldn’t say that that thought gave her one moment of unease.Not after spending the past hours being chastised by the man for “tormenting” his brother.

“Has she finally fallen asleep?” Maryn asked softly as she settled on a stool next to Jesslyn and peeked around the blanket resting against the babe’s cheek.

“Not yet, but soon, I trow,” she replied in a whisper.“Her eyes have been drooping more frequently in just the past few moments.”She slowly rose from her seat.“I should take her up to her nurse now so she may take a nap.”

“I shall come with you,” Maryn said. She tipped her head in Bao’s direction. “Our lady guests certainly are enamored of your husband.”

Jesslyn glanced in his direction and shrugged slightly, taking care not to jostle the babe and wake her.“What care I who occupies his attention?” But she did. She’d been gnawing on her jealousy all during the festivities. And now, when his eyes met hers briefly, when they warmed, when his mouth quirked in a quick smile before he looked away again, her heart melted a little.

“You shouldn’t,” Maryn replied.“He’s a vile creature.When I think of what he was!” She shuddered.“He should have been banished; he has no place here with honorable folk such as us.” Jesslyn felt her cheeks heat with her sudden anger as Maryn continued her tirade. “I tried to explain as much to Daniel, but he’d hear naught of it” she said, her voice filled with disgust.“It seems he’s determined to defend his brother to the end.”

Jesslyn forced in several long calming breaths, but said naught else. They arrived at Maryn’s bedchamber door and quietly entered.She gently placed the babe in her cradle and quickly left the room, leaving Maryn whispering instructions to the nurse.

Jesslyn strode toward the stairs, intent on getting as far away from her ex-friend as possible.She couldn’t believe the vicious words the woman had given her!Poor Bao!He had no idea that his own sister-in-law held such contempt for him.And after all he’d done to run her would-be murderer to ground!What a faithless friend she’d turned out to be!

She heard the soft pad of rushing footsteps behind her and sped up.“I’m sorry!” Marynsaid breathlessly when she caught up to her, but Jesslyn didn’t acknowledge her, simply continued to look straight ahead as she walked.

“I didn’t mean those things I said, I swear it!I was only trying to see if you still cared for Bao enough to defend him.”

Jesslyn stopped short and turned to face her.“What a foul thing to do!I shouldn’t ever speak to you again!”

“I know!” she cried.“Say you forgive me, I beg you,” she said coaxingly.

Jesslyn sighed loudly and rolled her eyes.“I forgive you.”

Maryn grinned happily and clapped her hands.

“But don’t ever try that again!”

“Nay, I shall not,” she promised.“There’s no need,” she added cheekily, “now that I’ve seen your reaction.”She paused only the length of a heartbeat before adding, “You love him.Desperately, in fact.”

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