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Coran POV
Coran sighed as he finally finished cleaning and updating the systems in the healing pod area. He was glad he only had one more room to go before the entire castle was spotless and updated. Coran could not thank Pidge enough, since they had helped him with 90% of the rooms. What's even better is that Pidge gave their ideas as to where the castle needs improving the most and the most efficient ways of doing it.

Although the last room would be a room he would need a lot of help on to quicken the process, he insisted that he could do it alone. Not that he doubted Pidge's work, but rather it was the room itself that solidified Corans decision. It was the king's room. His old boss, a great mentor and friend, and Allura's father.

Speaking of Allura, he remembered that he was going to ask her if she wanted a look into her father's old room. He didn't expect Allura to help, but since the room did belong to her father, he saw that it was only fit that she could sort things out in there with him.

He put away his wet rag, making an empty promise that he would wash it later, (he knew Hunk would pick up on the stench and insist on doing the all of the laundry and cleaning the rooms) and headed down to Allura.

Coran was not surprised when he found Shiro and Allura near the control panel, talking about battle strategies, bonding exercises for voltron and the lions, and stories about what they've gone through.

Coran really thought it was a cute moment, and he hated to inturrupt, but he knew that the room wasn't getting any better by sitting there. He made slow strides towards the two and gently tapped Allura on the shoulder. Her white curls twirled as she quickly turned her head. She was too engrossed in the conversation to realize his presence, so she was a bit startled but his not-so-sudden appearance. Coran could see a slight blush on both Shiro and Alluras cheeks. But if they noticed it, they did not speak up on the matter.

"Coran, hello! Is something wrong?" Alluras voice broke the short silence that occurred after he tapped her shoulder.

"Actually, I just came her to inform you that almost all of the rooms in the castle and clean and safe." He chirped. Coran had no problems being positive, and he happily spoke to Allura, not even noticing Shiro who was standing slightly awkwardly off to the side.

"Oh that's wonderful Coran! But you said almost, so what do you have left?"

"Ahh that's what I need to talk to you about. There is only one room left, but that room would be your father's room. Before I did anything to it, I wanted to make sure you didnt want one last look around before I did some serious spring cleaning," Coran chuckled under his breath at his attempt at a small bit of humor.

"Actually, I would like one more look around, if you don't mind. I'm sure there are some things in there I would much rather keep than dispose of."

Coran nodded, made a gesture towards her that signaled 'come this way' and headed off towards the main bedrooms. The walk there triggered a feeling of nostalgia. He had been waking down this hallway ever since he was appointed to take care of a young Allura. He smiled as peaceful memories flowed through his head.

He looked back to see Allura glancing at the familiarity of the well decorated hallway, a small smile gracing her lips every now and then.

They finally made it to the kings room. The frame of the once flawless door was now cracked and slightly moldy. The paint that formed intricate designs was now peeling, and the pictures were almost unrecognizable. Coran let out a sigh, and began to push open the doors so he could enter.

He was surprised to see that the interior of the room was relatively intact. The shelves were leaning slightly, and every thing that was painted with bright, but calming colors were now slightly dull and depressing.

But the overall room was pretty ok, just cluttered and dirty. Draws that we're placed next to the kings bed we're still overflowing with designs and ideas to improve the ship. Coran would definitely give that to Pidge for her next birthday, so he gathered them into a neat pile and placed them in the hallway.

Him and Allura spent the next hour sorting through the kings bookshelf, carefully separating the torn from the neat, the important to the useless, and
deciding which ones their paladins would like. He had found quite the collection of Altean cook books that he thought Hunk would enjoy. Little things like that.

After some serious sweeping and dusting, Allura eventually came across the kings box of small creations and games. Allura seemed delighted to look through it, so he sat down next to her and decided to explain the backstory behind all of them (since he was with the king at the time when he collected/made them)

But then Allura picked up some test tubes, 8 to be exact, filled with a liquid tinted slightly purple. Coran hesitated for a moment, racking his brain for the information on the substance, until he realized what it was.

"Ah, that is a traditional Altean truth serum! It was used on prisoners of war, but also married couples that needed help," Coran piped up.

"But what exactly does it do? And what are the side effects?" Allura questioned, curiosity plainly seen in her eyes.

"Well it says it in the name! It's a serum that makes you reveal what you're actually thinking. Secrets that you would feather keep hidden could pop up at the right question."

"Hmm.... Shiro and I were talking about ways to help the team bond, and I think this is perfect! But what are the side effects?"

"There are no side effects, at least not on Alteans. It can last from a day, to a week, to even a mint depending on the person. But there is one thing that we must keep in mind. If we are to give it to our paladins, we must not give them it raw, and we can't give them too much of it, or else they may die." Coran grimly mentioned.

"All right Coran, I won't forget that, since you and I will be taking it too!" She said cheerfully and proceeded to grab the 8 tubes (and Corans arm) and head down to the kitchen to prepare.
Ok so that was the prologue! Keep in mind that there are two people writing this, and we will sign our chapters that we wrote. We took the idea from a post on Tumblr by bluediamondsandtea. They said that they wanted their idea turned into a fanfic, so S and I decided 'why not?' So we give  full credit to them for the idea, this is just our interpretation. Hope you enjoyed this and we'll see you in future chapters!


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