Growing (SeaLat)

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Not too happy with this one, but enjoy it regardless.

Raivis wasn't sure how it'd happened to begin with. One day at a world meeting, while everyone else was fighting, Peter had approached him. He asked what being a nation was like - the look in his was somewhere between desperation and hope - and what he did, how he became one, so many different questions all at once Raivis almost had trouble keeping up with them all. After attempting (and failing) to quieten him, he settled for staying quiet himself and listening. Once Peter finished spouting out words, he looked up at Raivis hopefully. For answers he didn't have.

"Ah, you want to be a nation?" He hesitated before asking, knowing the answer. After receiving an enthusiastic nod from the smaller boy, he continued. "Well...I don't really know how you become one. I mean, you're here aren't you?"

"Well, I guess so," Peter mumbled, a bit confused as to where the conversation was going if Raivis didn't know the answer.

"Then you are a nation already," Raivis told him. "Maybe not the biggest, but still a nation."

After a moment of thinking about it, Peter's eyes lit up. "I never thought about it like that!" He grinned, continuing on. "Will I get bigger? How do I get bigger?"

"I...I'm not really sure. Most of the nations here got as large as they are by conquering," Raivis explained. He realized how that must have sounded to such a young, seemingly careless boy - like he could conquer anyone and grow. "But you have to have the resources and mass first!"

"That's stupid," Peter huffed, putting his hands on his hips. It was a cute gesture, he noted, smiling a little. "You have to be big to get big? That makes no sense!"

"I suppose it doesn't, but that's how it is..." he sighed a little, shaking his head. "But I guess if you found a nation smaller than you you'd be able to grow that way. Not that you should or anything, but that's how it works!"

The sparkle returned to Peter's eyes, the sliver of hope returning. "I wanna be bigger than Jerk England!" he proclaimed, earning a small, almos full smile from Raivis.

"That'll take a bit of time, I'm afraid," Raivis wasn't sure how he'd feel about this little nation conquering anyone at all - he seemed like he'd be the type of leader America was. He'd most likely do well, or at least get by, but he'd be loud and might take advantage of it. Do the wrong things for the wrong reasons, perhaps. It was always a worry like that when it came to new nations - no one could really tell how that'd turn out.

"I'm willing to wait for it," Peter nodded, almost in confirmation of his words. He looked more determined now than before, grinning even wider. "You're really nice, yknow. What's your name?"

"Latvia. And you?" Raivis smiled a little bit more, starting to like the cheery mood of the boy despite his previous thoughts. It was endearing and childlike, a childhood quality he missed seeing.

"I'm Sealand!" He said proudly, his grin becoming slightly more tamed. "And I promise I won't take over you, Latvia. You're nice - you called me a nation!"

The thought once again hit him of Sealand being a leader, but his smile grew even more. "That's a very nice promise to make, huh?"

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